
The cherries are the fruit obtained from the cherry tree, which is a smooth trunk whose wood, light brown, is highly appreciated in cabinetmaking. Cherry trees have been spreading all over the world for centuries, although it is unknown where their fruits began to be consumed for the first time. In Asia Minor there have been vast expanses of cherry trees since ancient times. For the Greeks, cherries symbolized beauty. For their part, the Romans were the ones who spread their cultivation in Europe .


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  • 1 Description
  • 2 Synonym
  • 3 Properties
  • 4 Nutrients
  • 5 Sources


Cherries are almost round stone fruits about two centimeters in diameter, smooth skin of red color, more or less dark, and a long corner. Its pulp is very juicy. Cherries can be seen in the markets from April to September, although it is in the summer months when they are most abundant. We can distinguish between white, yellow and red hearts with firm flesh, and those with black, garnet or dark red hearts, with a soft and juicy meat. Cherries are high in carbohydrates, vitamin A, and potassium.


Cherry pontic feminine noun icing .


Cherries are fruits with purifying, reminealing and detoxifying properties. Consuming twenty cherries daily helps lower the uric acid level. Its high fiber and potassium content gives them a marked laxative and diuretic capacity. Eating them regularly prevents the formation of kidney and gallstones.

On the other hand, the tails of the cherry are the part of the fruit that has the highest diuretic capacity. They can be consumed in the form of a herbal tea.


Among the nutritional properties of cherries, it should be noted that it has the following nutrients: 0.35 mg. iron, 0.88 g. protein, 17 mg. calcium, 1.31 g. fiber, 234 mg. potassium, 1.20 mg. iodine, 0.09 mg. zinc, 13.30 g. of carbohydrates, 13 mg. magnesium, 2.70 mg. sodium, 5.80 ug. of vitamin A, 0.04 mg. vitamin B1, 0.04 mg. vitamin B2, 0.33 mg. of vitamin B3, 0.19 ug. of vitamin B5, 0.05 mg. vitamin B6, 0.40 ug. Vitamin B7, 52 ug. of vitamin B9, 0 ug. of vitamin B12, 15 mg. Vitamin C, 0 ug. of vitamin D, 0.13 mg. vitamin E, 1.50 ug. of vitamin K, 23 mg. of phosphorus, 62.11 kcal. of calories, 0 mg. cholesterol, 0.31 g. fat, 13.26 g. of sugar and 17 mg. of purines.


by Abdullah Sam
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