Candida and sanitary napkins, what to do?

Candida is one of the most common female infections: here are which pads to choose and how to manage it during menstruation.


Is there a correlation between candida and sanitary napkins ? And between candida and menstruation ? Although it is one of the most common infections for the female universe, there are still many doubts about what to do to treat it and how to behave while the infection is in progress. Almost all women happen, sooner or later, to encounter the symptoms and therefore find themselves having to manage it in everyday life, including the cycle. So here are some clarifications on the subject, to be more informed and avoid the “do it yourself” or word of mouth between friends.



There is no single type of candida: it is a saprophytic fungus , or rather of different species of fungi, naturally present in latent form (as a “spore”) in our body. It is found in several districts including the vagina and the gastrointestinal tract, where it participates in the metabolism of some sugars, and is controlled by the immune system and local bacterial flora (lactobacilli). However, there are some particular host conditions that can lead to an excessive proliferation of these bacteria. The most common causes are:

  • Alterations of the immune system , which can be caused by some diseases or by the prolonged intake of drugs (not only antibiotics but also cortisone and chemotherapy drugs), by periods of stress or by the simple change of season, because when the immune defenses are weaker it is it is easier for the Candida bacteria to proliferate excessively;
  • Excessive consumption of leavened foods or foods rich in simple sugars , which ‘nourish’ the fungus thus facilitating its proliferation;
  • For the same reason, diabetes , which involves a greater concentration of vaginal sugar, favors its development;
  • All those habits or actions that can favor the passage of bacteria from the oral and gastrointestinal reservoir to the vagina, such as intimate cleansing and ano-genital and oral-genital intercourse;
  • The high concentration of estrogens has also been linked with candida infection, which in fact occurs more frequently in the premenstrual period and during pregnancy;
  • The continuous use of underwear in synthetic fabrics and of external absorbents that do not favor the natural transpiration of the skin, creates a warm humid environment ideal for the proliferation of the fungus.

These last two points, in particular, suggest a link between candida, menstruation and tampons.




Once the candida infection has been identified, in addition to the drug therapy prescribed by the gynecologist, there are some measures that can be taken to relieve the symptoms and promote faster healing, as well as to avoid relapses in the future. These precautions also concern the pads to be preferred for menstrual flow.

An important factor to keep in mind when choosing external absorbents at this juncture is the transpiration of the skin, in order to maintain a fresh and dry intimate environment, less favorable to the proliferation of candida. The natural properties of cotton are what are best suited to us, not only for underwear but also for sanitary pads , such as those of the new range of LINES cotton pads , approved by aogoi gynecologists (Association of Italian Hospital Obstetricians and Gynecologists) and developed precisely to meet this type of need. It includes absorbents for day and night, all with breathable filter and designed so that cotton is the only material in contact with the skin.

Even in the use of panty liners in case of spotting or small leaks it is good to keep in mind the issue of skin transpiration and prefer breathable products such as the LINES Cotton panty protectors, with 100% cotton on the skin and absorbent Lines core.

The continuous use of tampons , on the other hand, could favor the chronicization of candida so it should be limited only to the moments when it is actually necessary, with the additional care to replace the tampon every 4 hours at most. Choosing tampons made from hypoallergenic materials such as cotton can also be helpful in reducing the risk of chronic infection. Lines cotton tampons , for example, are made of 100% cotton, and are available in Regular sizes for light to medium flows and Super for medium to heavy flows, both with protective braid to prevent spills and safety cord to remove them easily.



To relieve candida symptoms such as itching and irritation , there are prescription creams to use . Too frequent washing or with aggressive detergents which would weaken the “good” bacterial flora should be avoided.

Attention also at the table: pizza and leavened desserts, candies, wines and spirits should be limited in favor of seasonal vegetables, low-sugar fruit, whole grains, yogurt and lactic ferments.

Finally, even if candida is not really a sexually transmitted infection, it must be borne in mind that it can also affect the male organism, so it is advisable to refrain from sexual intercourse during the acute phases to avoid the so-called “ping effect”. pong ”, or the continuous reactivation of the infection between partners who are carriers.

With this article we have clarified some aspects of candida infection, but if you want to deepen the subject we recommend that you continue your reading with the article Candida: symptoms to know and prevention .


by Abdullah Sam
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