Absorbents against irritation, how to choose

It is not uncommon to suffer from irritation and dermatitis in the private parts caused by sanitary pads. Here’s how to choose the right ones to prevent them.

Intimate and absorbent itching . Who has never happened to? It is not so rare that it happens to suffer from it, this is because the skin, especially in such a delicate area as the intimate one, must always be protected and needs special attention to prevent irritation or inflammation from developing. Redness, blisters, spots or itching in the intimate areas are all very annoying symptoms that can cause annoying discomfort, but it is easy to avoid them by choosing the right sanitary pads for irritation.




Intimate itching has multiple causes, all attributable to the alteration of a balance between good and bad bacteria, hydration and lubrication of the mucous membrane and external irritating agents such as the use of tissues or substances that irritate the skin, incorrect intimate hygiene or even habits wrong food. Here are the specific triggers that are most common:

  • Using unnatural fibers such as synthetic fabric underwear which can be very harmful to such a delicate area of ​​the body. Even garments that are too tight such as body or stretch pants create chafing by increasing heat and humidity, ideal conditions that favor the proliferation of bacterial microorganisms.
  • Use of absorbents that do not allow the skin to transpire and in this way modify the vaginal microflora favoring the onset of inflammation.
  • Use of detergents with too aggressive pH or, on the contrary, poor intimate hygiene.
  • Use of barrier contraceptives such as latex condoms which can also trigger allergy.



– Itching and / or burning , but in more severe cases, pain too

– Leucorrhoea , i.e. abundant losses

– Sense of dryness and skin discomfort



Very often these symptoms arise during or after the menstrual cycle (when the private parts are more prone to infections and irritations of all kinds, particularly when you spend a lot of time away from home and do not have the opportunity to change the tampon often) and therefore the correlation of intimate itching and absorbents becomes easy to understand. It is, in most cases , a contact inflammation that causes itching (sometimes very intense) and in more serious cases boils or small blisters. If neglected it can become chronic and lead to allergies.

Choosing the right product therefore becomes essential to avoid problems of this type and relieve symptoms of vaginal irritation caused by sanitary pads . In this case it is good to prefer absorbent cotton , breathable and hypoallergenic .

In fact, cotton is a hypoallergenic , natural fabric . Its pH is compatible with the physiological one of the skin, which helps to decrease itching and relieve irritation from absorbents . The Lines Cotone line was created precisely to safeguard and protect the skin of every woman, especially during the cycle, and to reduce the risk of allergies or inflammations that can have a very long and painful course. The Lines range of cotton pads, approved by AOGOI gynecologists (Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Italian Hospital), is complete with pads, panty liners and tampons and combines the naturalness of cotton on the skin with the safety of Lines absorbency .



L ‘ intimate hygiene , as we have seen, it is important to prevent irritation or inflammation . For this reason, it is necessary to wash the private parts regularly, without exaggerating, and use a suitable detergent that respects the pH of the skin between 3.5 and 4.5 and dry the intimate area after a bath or shower starting from the front and going backwards (never the other way around), so as not to run the risk of carrying bacteria from the anus into the vagina. In addition, it is necessary to avoid wearing often tight clothing or synthetic fabrics (such as microfiber) that subject the skin to continuous rubbing, increasing heat and humidity in the intimate areas.

We must not forget to take care of nutrition, well-being also (and above all) passes through the stomach. Excessive consumption of too fatty foods and simple sugars creates imbalances in the bacterial flora of the vagina and this creates numerous irritations, including candida. Taking lactic ferments and fibers regularly is a good rule to safeguard the bacterial flora.



To decrease irritation and the sense of itching in the acute phase, in addition to using the precautions listed above such as preferring cotton pads during the menstrual cycle , underwear always made of natural fibers and proper intimate hygiene, it is absolutely forbidden to scratch! While it may seem to relieve itching at first, scratching can increase swelling and break the skin, aggravating irritation.

If the itching persists it is always advisable to contact your gynecologist to investigate the triggering causes, it could be allergies.

If you want to find out what are the symptoms of allergies caused by sanitary towels, continue your reading with the article  Allergy to sanitary pads: symptoms and remedies .


by Abdullah Sam
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