Blueberry fruit

The Blueberry is a fruit with many medicinal properties and few contraindications.


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  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Definition
  • 3 Utility
  • 4 Nutritional value
  • 5 Advantages
  • 6 Blueberry Contraindications
  • 7 Sources


The nutritional value of the Blueberry, according to the standardization of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States , summarizes it as between low and free of fats and sodium , free of cholesterol and rich in fibers, refreshing, tonic, astringent, diuretic and with vitamin C , in addition to hippuric acid , which determines that it is a fruit with many desirable characteristics from a nutritional point of view. The pigment that gives the fruit its blue color (anthocyanin), intervenes in human cellular metabolismdecreasing the action of free radicals, associated with aging , cancer , heart disease and Alzheimer .


Bilberry is a red berry shrub native to North America . It belongs to the heather family. Its fruits have very interesting antibacterial properties. Its consumption would prevent inflammation caused by many bacteria, such as inflammation of the urinary bladder ( cystitis ) and gums ( gingivitis ) in particular. The high concentrations of antioxidants in blueberry fruits also suggest that their consumption would reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer and heart problems.


These little berries are known to be useful for:

Take care of eyesight and prevent degenerativeØ eye diseases such as cataracts .

It has anti-inflammatory actionØ

Contribute to prevent cardiovascular diseasesØ

Delay agingØ

Fight urinary tract infectionsØ

ProtectØ capillaries and blood vessels

Help prevent or delay the onset ofØ diabetes

PreventØ constipation

Improve cases of varicose veins,Ø varicose veins , phlebitis or hemorrhoids , caused by poor circulation.

Nutritional value

The main component of Blueberry is water , followed by carbohydrates and almost in zero proportions we can find vegetable protein and fats . In addition, we must highlight the fiber content of Blueberries. The most notable micronutrients of Blueberries are minerals such as potassium , phosphorus , magnesium and calcium . They also have vitamins A, C, K and folate or B9. Blueberries have phytochemicals such as quercetin and anthocyanins, tannins, flavonoids, and phenolic acids. Blueberries only provide 50 kcal per 100 grams. They are an excellent fruit during all stages of thelife . Blueberries have antioxidant, venotonic, anticancer, astringent, anti-inflammatory diuretic, hypoglycemic, antiseptic and anti-hemorrhagic action.


  • Among its greatest advantages, Cranberry juice is used extensively to prevent infections in the urinary tract.
  • Another advantage of Blueberry is that due to its great antioxidant power, it also increases HDL (the cholesterol popularly known as “good cholesterol”), which would be associated with a decrease in the probability of suffering from heart conditions.
  • As a third advantage, the consumption of Cranberry juice helps reduce gastrointestinal problems, to the point that virus neutralization was determined in several studies .
  • It appears to also have positive effects on the development of various types of cancer.
  • Finally, it is also worth mentioning that it protects the teeth from any bacterial adhesion, preventing the development of caries , and helps to strengthen collagen .

Blueberry Contraindications

  • Used in therapeutic doses, bilberry does not present side effects or toxicity . However, prolonged use of leaf preparations should be avoided, which can lead to hydroquinone poisoning, which may lead to weight loss problems and even serious disturbances.
  • Blueberries stand out for their high concentration of oxalic acid , a substance that should be avoided by those who have a tendency to form calcium oxalate kidney stones


by Abdullah Sam
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