Amiibo in Animal Crossing New Horizons: What are they for? How to use them?

We tell you how to use amiibo in Animal Crossing New Horizons for Nintendo Switch.

Find out how to use amiibo in Animal Crossing New Horizons for Nintendo Switch

‘ Animal Crossing New Horizons ‘ is a title that inherits a function from the previous installment, since the Nintendo Switch title  is compatible with amiibo figures , which can be used in the game at a certain point in history to obtain different campers who may or may not be your neighbors. That is why below we will tell you what amiibo are for and how to use them  in Animal Crossing New Horizons .

Animal Crossing New Horizons Guide for Nintendo Switch .

What are amiibo for?

As a preview that we have given in the previous paragraph, something important must be said:

Only Animal Crossing series amiibo are supported  .

This includes neighbors’ amiibo cards .

All that said, it must be said that the functions within the Nintendo Switch title  for amiibo  can be fundamentally divided into two:

Camping area : Once we have the camping area , every X time an NPC will come with whom we can interact. In this way, he will be able to give us creations and, if we talk to him enough and we have a free lot, we can ask him to move to our island. In this case, using the amiibo  will make the character on the card go to the camping area, being able to make him move to our town. This is a quick way to get certain neighbors *.

Cayo Fauno : Once Fauno visits our town, we can go to his island where he can scan the amiibo , so that we can create different scenes to capture them in photos.

* Major  NPC amiibo such as Totakeke and Cinnamon do not support this feature.

How to use amiibo

On the other hand, the use of these amiibo  will be different in each case:

Camping area : Desboquead the camping area and a new feature will be unlocked in the Nook Terminal that allows you to scan them .

Cayo Fauno : Just go to the island and Fauno  will tell you how to scan them at home.

For both cases, what you will have to do is activate the in-game scanner option. Next, put the figure either on the right Joy-Con or on the Pro Controller (depending on your control) at the height of the Home button.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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