Aloe Vera Hair Treatment

Dry, brittle hair , with split ends , without shine and hair loss are some of the problems that can interfere with the beauty of the hair. There are several treatments on the market for these problems, however, a natural treatment can be very effective for these problems: aloe vera .

The aloe (or aloe vera) is a plant that has regenerative properties and acts as a natural antioxidant in the scalp, offering numerous advantages to the wire.

In general, it has the ability to clean the scalp deeply, regenerating and moisturizing dry hair, while closing the cuticles of the strands. The result of constant use is stronger , hydrated, shiny, loose and frizz-free hair .

The plant moisturizes, defines the bunches, prevents falling and gives shine. It is a powerful natural moisturizer, which after just a few applications can already strengthen the hair. Check out some tips on how to treat hair and scalp with aloe vera:

Aloe Shampoo

The shampoo will clean the cuticles and leave the scalp healthy. That way, the hair will grow more resistant.


  • 2 leaves of aloe
  • 100 ml of neutral shampoo
  • 5 drops of rosemary oil
  • 5 drops of mint essential oil

Preparation and application

Wash the leaves of the aloe vera then remove its pulp (gel). Remove the gel using a spoon. Beat the pulp in a blender or mixer. Then mix in a pot with the shampoo and essential oils. Store in an empty shampoo container that you have at home. You can use it up to twice a week, alternating with your normal shampoo.

Capillary Moisturizing with Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has several vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3 and B6), minerals and amino acids that deeply nourish the hair. It can be used for the entire length and also at the root, without leaving it oily. You can hydrate only with the plant and water, or enhance your treatment with a concentrated mask.


  • 2 leaves of aloe
  • 1 tablespoon of moisturizing mask

Preparation and application

Wash the leaves of the aloe vera then remove its pulp (gel). Remove the gel using a spoon. Beat the pulp in a blender or mixer. In a pot, mix the pulp with the moisturizing mask. After washing your hair only with shampoo, apply the mixture on the hair massaging strand by strand. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse well and finish with conditioner.

Aloe Strengthening Tonic

This mixture is perfect to fight hair loss, in addition to hydrating the strands and strengthening.


  • 1 leaf of aloe
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • 3 drops of rosemary essential oil
  • 3 drops of ylang ylang essential oil
  • 1 drop of cedar essential oil

Preparation and application

Wash the aloe leaf and remove its pulp (gel) with the help of a spoon. Beat the pulp in a blender or mixer. Add the coconut oil and beat more. Then add the essential oils. Mix well.

Apply the product on the scalp and spread it with your fingers, massaging gently. With what remains of the mixture, apply to the length of the wires. Pin your hair and let it act for about 30 minutes. Then just remove the product and wash your hair normally.

For the effect of aloe vera to be efficient, it is not enough to do it only once: the treatment must be constant, at least once a week, until you notice improvement in the hair. It is necessary to create a care routine using aloe vera to thus be able to combat hair loss and ensure other benefits for the hair .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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