Alibaba story summary


  • The story of Ali Baba and the forty thieves
  • The story of Ali Baba and its historical reference
  • Who is Ali Baba
  • Alibaba story summary
  • A summary of the story of Alibaba after obtaining the gold
  • A summary of the story of Ali Baba after the death of Qasim
  • A summary of the story of Ali Baba after the thieves arrived at his home

When narrating the story summary of Alibaba, many elements must be mentioned such as the history of Alibaba and who is Alibaba and his story with the forty thieves, but this story has been told in different forms and versions with slight differences in the title and details such as Ali Baba and the magic lamp, but the story may be The one mentioned in the book One Thousand and One Nights is the version that many search for as curiosity or even to read as bedtime stories for children .

The story of Ali Baba and the forty thieves

The story of Ali Baba is a short fairy tale and it is a folk tale that has many versions, such as the version of The Thousand and One Nights, and Antoine Galland added some details to it in the eighteenth century, making it the most popular fairy tale of a thousand and one nights, and it has been widely retold and has been Presented in more than one medium, especially in the small world of children, it can be considered among the children’s bedtime stories that parents tell, but in this case the more violent aspects of the story are hidden.

The story of Ali Baba and its historical reference

The translator Galland was a French orientalist in the eighteenth century, and before writing the story he went to Aleppo on an exploration trip, and he may have heard the summary of the story of Ali Baba and the forty thieves in oral form from the narrator of Middle Eastern stories in Aleppo, Syria.

The first text of the story is the French version of Gallan, which Richard Burton placed in the supplemental volumes of the story that he translated, which was published under the name of The Book of One Thousand and One Nights, and his origins were Greek Cypriot.

Who is Ali Baba 

Before we know the summary of the Alibaba story, we must know who is Alibaba? Ali Baba is the son of the caliph of Baghdad, who was raised by a thief after his father was killed by the soldiers of Hogalo Khan, so Ali Baba became the leader of the thieves and those who fight for the freedom of his land, then Ali Baba captured Hugaloo Khan’s fiancée, who later discovered that she was his friend Amara, Then he used her wedding day as an opportunity to liberate his country, Baghdad.

Alibaba story summary

At the beginning of summarizing the story of Ali Baba and the forty thieves, we must mention that Ali Baba had a brother who was older than him and his name was Qasim. As his father used to work, one day Ali Baba was at work collecting firewood in the forest and cutting it, and he heard a group of 40 thieves visiting the treasure store, this treasure is in a cave whose door is closed by magic, and no one can open it without saying a magic phrase (open Sesame) and when it is closed it says (Close Sesame).

After the thieves left, Ali Baba entered the cave himself and took one bag of gold coins, took it home, then went to his brother’s wife to borrow a scale to weigh his new fortune, but Qassem’s wife put a block of wax in the scale to find out what purpose Ali Baba would use the scale In it, because she is very curious about what kind of pills the poor Ali Baba will weigh.

A summary of the story of Alibaba after obtaining the gold

After Ali Baba answered the balance, his brother’s wife found a gold coin attached to him, and was surprised and told her husband, then her husband went to his brother Ali Baba to force him to divulge the secret, and then Qasim went to the cave with his donkey, to take as much of the treasure as possible, and entered the cave with magic words But because of his greed and the abundance of treasure around him, he forgot the words that would take him out of the cave, then thieves would come and find him inside the cave and kill him, and when Qasim was late to return, Ali Baba went to search for him at the cave, but he found his brother’s body divided into pieces and every piece displayed inside the entrance to the cave , As a warning to anyone else who might try to get in.

Ali Baba took the body to the house where Morgiana, the smart slave-girl who lives in Qasim’s house, in order to hide the corpse and make others believe that Qassem had died a natural death. Then the slave girl went to the pharmacy to buy medicines and told him that Qasim was seriously ill and told everyone about it, then You find an old tailor known as Baba Mustafa, you pay him the price, blindfold his eyes, and lead him to Qasim’s house, then the tailor sewing the pieces of Qasem’s body together so that no one doubts, so Ali Baba and his family can properly bury Qasim without anyone asking embarrassing questions.

A summary of the story of Ali Baba after the death of Qasim

After the death of Qasim and his burial, the thieves realized that there is another person who knows their secret, so they must track him down to kill him, then one of the thieves went down to the town to meet Baba Mustafa who stitched the body, and after realizing that the dead man was a victim of thieves, the thief asked Baba Mustafa to lead the way to The house in which the act was carried out, then the thief blindfolded him again, and in this case he could follow his steps and find the house, then the thief places a symbol on the door so that the other thieves could return that night and kill everyone in the house, after that Morgiana saw him, And it thwarted their plan by placing the same symbol on all neighborhood homes in the same way, so when the forty thieves return that night, they cannot locate the correct house, which causes them to kill the failed thief who did not do his job properly.

The next day, another thief visited Baba Mustafa and tried again, but this time a part of the stone at the front door of Ali Baba’s house was cut off. The second thief is due to his failure, and the last time the leader of the thief goes by himself and saves the details of Ali Baba’s house from the outside.

A summary of the story of Ali Baba after the thieves arrived at his home

After the thieves found Ali Baba’s house, the leader of the thieves pretended that he was an oil merchant who needed Ali Baba’s hospitality, and he brought with him mules loaded with 38 jars of oil, one of them full of oil, and 37 other jars that the thieves hide with them, and as soon as he slept on Baba, the thieves killed him, But Morgiana revealed the plan and thwarted it, which led to the killing of 37 thieves in the oil jars by pouring boiling oil on them, and when their leader came to wake them up, he found them all dead so he ran away, and the next morning she told slave Ali Baba what happened to bury them, so Ali appeared Baba is grateful to her and gives her her freedom.

After the time passed, the gang leader appeared as a merchant in the market and wanted revenge, so he became a friend of Ali Baba’s son, and was invited to dinner at Ali Baba’s house, but Morgiana got to know the thief, and waited for him to dance with a sword and dagger, then put the dagger in his heart , at first angered Ali Baba from her, but when he discovered that she had protected him and that the thief wanted to kill him, he became grateful to her and rewarded her by marrying his son, in the end Ali Baba became the only person who knows the secret of the treasure that is in the cave and how to reach it.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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