8 Examples of Social Inequality

Social inequality is understood as the disparity between people or social sectors in relation to various aspects, for example, the political, economic and educational.

Examples of social inequality

1. Corruption

Corruption is understood as the action of corrupting. Among its characteristics is the abuse of power , weakness in administrative procedures, weakness in legal frameworks and acts of impunity.

Corruption in the spheres of government seen from the lack of knowledge of the investment of public spending, hiring and management mechanisms increase social inequality.

Seen from this point of view, the resources destined to improve the quality of life of the population end up in the hands of third parties.

2. Inequity in tax systems

This type of inequality is perceived in tax payments, which in some parts of the world are the same regardless of the income of the population.

Being able to be imperceptible for upper classes and very difficult to cover for the most disadvantaged classes, bringing them legal problems with the state.

3. Economic inequality

It is described as the unequal distribution of wealth among people. This translates into little or no access to goods and services by the population with fewer resources.

It is also reflected in political representation, religious and cultural visibility, and even access to decent food and housing.

4. Educational inequality

It is distinguished as inequality in access to information through education .

This situation can be felt in the quality of education according to social rank, that is, access to public or private educational institutes.

Also in access to state-of-the-art technological means, as well as truthful and quality information.

Currently, this type of inequality is seen in underdeveloped countries , as well as in migrants, who had to leave their countries of origin due to violence, and lack of access to opportunities.

5. Political inequality

It is understood as the lack of representation of some minority groups before the instances of power, whether local, regional or national.

It is generally linked to the most disadvantaged social classes , which can be deprived of rights without large-scale consequences.

It can also be extrapolated to the lack of representation before religious institutions of vulnerable groups, such as women, children and the elderly.

6. Gender inequality

It is understood as the present inequality between men and women regarding access to work, educational, religious and information opportunities.

This type of inequality is usually seen in third world countries where government policies still do not take into account the equity that must exist between genders.

Discrimination against transgender, transvestite, and transsexual (LGBTQ) people , who have even fewer possibilities of access to jobs, education, and religious inclusion, can be included in this type of inequality .

7. Ethnic inequality

Ethnic inequality is understood as the granting of greater opportunities, as well as a greater social position of the population according to their race, skin color or ethnic group.

Considering others inferior, denying them access to goods, services, education, free worship or political freedom, including fundamental human rights.

These variables have led to the occurrence of exterminations throughout history, such as the one that occurred in World War II against the Jewish population, by German extremists.

8. Legal inequality

It is one in which the legislation of a country favors individuals or groups of people over others.

This can be due to social position, educational level, religious cult or even gender.

It is one of the most serious types of inequality.

Examples of consequences of social inequality

to. Poverty

It is one of the most serious consequences of inequality, which conditions the opportunities for growth and development of the most disadvantaged population.

It is important to understand that inequality exists because there is poverty, and there is poverty because inequality exists.

b. Exclusion

All types of social inequality go hand in hand with a type of exclusion that can even lead to the destabilization of a nation due to economic, political, and even cultural discontent.

The exclusion leads to the individual not having opportunities for integration and recognition before society and being an active member of it.

c. Forced displacement

One of the most serious consequences of social inequality is exemplified in the displacement of the population from their area of ​​origin to other territories in search of integration and opportunities.

Currently this phenomenon can be observed in Latin America, the migration of Venezuelans to South American countries, also of the Central American population to the United States.

In addition to African migrants to the European Union. All these forced migrations have one element in common, the search for job opportunities, security, education and welfare.



by Abdullah Sam
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