10 Examples of Digital Media

Digital media are all those coded systems that are managed by means of electronic equipment. Its use is totally unfounded in today’s society and has become very common for the most essential activities.

Although there are traditional techniques that have very useful uses, with the advent of the internet and the digital age, everything has become more automated. In the market there are a large number of platforms that allow you to view, share, interact and send messages online.

 Digital media What are they?

1. Instagram

This is a social network that dominates many international markets today. From its application, anyone can share content with Internet users who may be on the other side of the world.

Although its strong point is images, texts can have great visibility within its interface. Over time, other tools have been incorporated that generate dynamism and more facilities for the monetization of information.

2. Website

A portal or web page can host all kinds of things. From companies , to educational institutions or fans of some field, they usually have them available to generate data of interest in a specific niche.

These also serve to buy, sell or market products or services through what is electronic commerce . The assembly of these resources every day becomes more valued thanks to the increase in the requirements in this regard.

3. Blog

The working system of a blog is very similar to that of a web page, but the interests of the field can be very different. The importance of digital media lies in the fact that they are usually very useful for a segmented audience, where good feedback margins are generated.

One of its main advantages is that its data is usually dynamic and constantly updated. Size or weight also influence.

4. Twitter

It is a social network like Instagram, but it works totally different. Users can open accounts to share their interests and keep up with the content of their friends, favorite artists or athletes. There are few characters available to publish.

Brands also venture into these markets, but it is necessary to work under defined strategies in order to achieve the proposed objectives.

5. Video games

Video games constitute entertainment resources in most cases. However, they also serve as communication links between players and sometimes as a form of profit.

The vital factor that makes them belong to this category is the fact that they take place by means of electronic equipment or devices, with digitized operations.

6. E-books

Electronics goes far beyond the essentials, because even though books were only on paper before, they can now be enjoyed online. With a computer, tablet or phone, it is possible to access the best universal literary works.

Likewise, it is common to see the voices of broadcasters that give life to audiobooks. This resource is perfect for those who are performing tasks that prevent them from being immobilized but can enjoy audible specific content.

7. Facebook

This is one of the first social networks to connect the world. Every day the platform grows more in content and resources available to interact, buy, sell and even search for updated news from the region.

It is also very common for friends to meet there to start conversations, see memories of their ties and even remember the birthdays of those who are not so close.

8. Digital newspapers

Paper is no longer essential and old communications companies have migrated to using their information services on the Internet. For this reason, digital newspapers were created that have the same articles full of information, but are displayed on a screen.

Some are distributed and diagrammed just like a normal broadcast newspaper. In other cases, “newsletters” are produced that are sent to the emails of the interested parties, to keep them at the forefront.

9. Video platforms

We must not forget that there are those who understand and assimilate everything in an audiovisual way. For this reason, platforms like ” Youtube ” have so many regular customers. There any content creator can upload his preferences and share them for as many people as he thinks possible.

10. Databases

Digital media also include databases, which house information in an organized manner. The spreadsheet definition is one of the vital tools for the development of this type of reference, because the data involved becomes more digestible when presented in this way.

With advances in technology , these reports may include graphics, images, and visual aids for better understanding of the investigation.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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