10 Examples of Social Psychology

Get to know some examples of social psychology , a science that allows you to deepen the study of human beings and their interaction with the world around them.

Thanks to this applied field of psychology, it has been possible to develop theories and models that provide more information on how people establish relationship dynamics with others.

Definition of social psychology

Social psychology is an area of ​​psychology that focuses on the study of human beings and their way of relating to others and how these links are built, also taking context into account


As a science, it uses rigorous methods in its studies, such as field or laboratory experiments, instruments such as surveys or questionnaires, and observation.

It is a very interesting field that allows us to understand the human being and its functioning in a group, understanding that each person is essentially social in nature.

So much so that isolation is associated with pathological processes, either as a cause or a consequence, since the tendency towards social interaction is indisputable.


Importance of social psychology

Being able to delve into the human being from the social, that is, from the way he relates to the world, how he establishes relationships with others and the influence this has on his individuality.

This type of knowledge has had great relevance in different fields such as politics, education, the media, advertising, among other areas.

Obviously each action is linked to society or to that group to which one belongs that can influence values , thinking, attitudes and even language .

In this way, in addition, interventions can be carried out in different contexts as well as prevention actions based on the needs that can be identified at a given moment.

Key Examples of Social Psychology

Within social psychology we find some essential concepts or constructs for addressing complex social phenomena.

Next, we will describe some of the most relevant.

  1. Social group

Obviously it is necessary to start from this point, the social group, understanding it as the space in which we relate and interact with other people under a sense of belonging.

This perception of belonging to a group is an example in social psychology of how behaviors and the sense of cooperation would be formed , mainly in spaces such as the family or community.

On the other hand, the reference group would be the one to which the individual identifies and based on this values ​​and models his behavior , it would not necessarily be the same group of belonging.

It is very common, for example, in adolescents who tend to behave according to parameters different from those of their family of origin.


  1. Social norms

Social norms refer to the guidelines, explicit or implicit, that govern the behavior, attitudes, thoughts and values ​​of people within a group.

Adapting the way you behave, including the way you speak or dress, to the group to which you belong is an example of what is known in social psychology as conformity.

  1. Status

Status is part of social perception and is an example within this science of how someone is given a position according to the group to which they belong.

In this sense, it can be classified as a kind of recognition that will obviously be determined by the context and the prevailing values.

  1. Stereotypes

Another example of classifications that we make from social psychology towards the people who are around us is that of stereotypes.

In this case, it is about generalizations that are established based on the belonging of an individual to a certain group such as ethnicity, nationality, gender or social stratum.

Obviously, this type of perception minimizes individual differences, reducing them to a uniform element for all, which can be positive or negative.

  1. Roles

The role is the behavior that is expected of a person for belonging to a certain group, for example we find gender roles which are social constructions granted to individuals.

The roles are dynamic, as we belong to different groups and carry out different activities, which allows us to assume the role of mother, boss or citizen at different times.

  1. Causal attribution

Causal attribution is an example within social psychology of processes that are established to seek an explanation for a certain behavior.

This corresponds to an attempt to predict and control human behavior , especially when unexpected behaviors appear or cause a negative impact.

  1. Halo Effect

The “Halo” effect refers to an example of personality perception according to which based on a positive trait of a person it is generalized towards the rest of his personality.

In this way, if extroversion is a trait that is valued positively, then it is possible that that extroverted individual is perceived positively as a whole.

  1. Attitudes 

Attitudes in social psychology are seen as a way to express one’s emotions, thoughts, and behavior.

Three types of attitudes are distinguished: explicit, implicit and ambivalent, which imply an unstable position on a fact, person or any other element.

  1. Prejudice

Prejudices are another example of social psychology on perception, in this case inclined towards the negative pole and that are usually based on stereotypes.

When they occur, they can greatly limit social interaction and manifest rejection behaviors such as xenophobia, racism or other types of discrimination.

  1. Social facilitation

Social psychology proposes this model according to which behavior is facilitated when people are surrounded by a particular group.

In this sense, it would be affirmed that certain simple tasks are easier to execute when being observed compared to when they are carried out alone.



by Abdullah Sam
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