10 Examples of Effective Communication

Knowing what effective communication is and some examples can help improve that much-needed skill in the interpersonal relationships we establish.

We are social beings by nature, so knowing how to communicate effectively provides great benefits including our mental and emotional health .

Importance of effective communication

Effective communication means being able to convey a message clearly, concisely and without errors, where what we mean is really understood.


Examples of effective communication at work

The workplace is one of the places where the type of communication that is maintained will be vital in determining professional success or failure.

This process should not be underestimated, taking into account that it is established in a bidirectional way, we are not only senders but also receivers of information.

  1. Appropriate tone of voice

The tone of voice plays a very important role in the communication process and can help or prevent the message sent from reaching the recipient effectively.

In the work context, efforts should be made to project a tone of voice at a volume appropriate to the place, firmly but respectfully, which builds trust and captures the interlocutor’s attention.

A low, shaky tone of voice will go unnoticed, while an excessively loud voice can make a very bad impression.

  1. Maintain eye contact

Eye contact favors the communication process, as it shows interest in the interlocutor on the one hand, while on the other it helps to attract attention to the message.

  1. Give feedback

In the work context, feedback is an inevitable example of effective communication and it can be expected that it be carried out frequently, since it greatly helps to improve the operation of the company.

  • SEE ALSO: Examples of Assertiveness

Examples of effective communication in the family

The family is the safe space par excellence, but many times the bonds between its members can be weakened and even broken, mainly due to communication difficulties.

Knowing how to care for, nurture, and improve the way we communicate with our family is vital to maintaining a warm home where we can really feel at ease.

  1. Empathy

Empathy is a key example of effective communication, especially within the family, as it serves as a tool to identify the emotions and needs of the other.

In this way, a message adjusted to those elements can be sent, which can be better received and understood, unlike a position with little empathy.

Affective communication can improve the way you relate to others at work, family and in everyday life

  1. Respect

Another example is communication based on respect, being able to express an opinion without hurting or offending the other, and this includes the little ones in the house.

Communicating in the family through dignified treatment encourages the message to really flow and they can understand each other and reach agreements at home.

  1. Quality time 

Spending quality time with the family is a strategy that greatly helps the communication process, since it allows a genuine approach that reduces any barrier.

Examples of Effective Communication in Everyday Life

We communicate every day and continuously, be it with friends, co-workers, family, and even with strangers, communication will always be present.

  1. Body language

The type of body language that is projected will have a great impact when it comes to sending a message and that it is received in the best possible way.

If you really want to establish effective communication, it is of great importance to be able to take care of body language when trying to communicate something.

  1. Right words

Using a language adapted to the people who are going to receive the message, as well as to the context and the moment in which the communication is established, is another inevitable example in daily life.

In this way, it can be guaranteed that the receiver will be able to understand what is being said, preventing misunderstandings from being generated.

  1. Clear message, without beating around the bush

A direct message, whether written or spoken, is an example of effective communication, where an idea or opinion can be expressed clearly and concisely without giving room for confusion.

  1. Active listening

Active listening means being really interested in what the other person wants to say, and not just in what is going to be answered.

It is caring honestly about understanding your message, watching your body language and even identifying the emotions that may be behind that message.



by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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