15 Examples of Positive Attitudes

Not giving up and looking up in difficult circumstances are some examples of positive attitudes that help us focus our attention and actions on moving forward.

The attitude is a choice and refers to the way we face each moment of our life, that includes our thoughts and behavior .

Choosing a correct attitude can favor the identification of solutions and the power to find alternative paths that allow us to achieve our objectives in different ways at any given time.

In addition, the attitudes that we demonstrate on a daily basis will be more valued even than our own talents and abilities when you don’t know how to take advantage of them.


Examples of positive attitudes of a person

The attitudes in a person can be influenced by multiple factors such as temperament, personality and even biological elements such as hormones or others.

It is important to be attentive to our attitudes, because many times they can open doors for us or also be an obstacle in our path.

Some examples of positive attitudes are:

  1. Collaborative attitude

A collaborative attitude is characterized by showing solidarity and sympathy for other people, providing help in whatever is within their reach.

Being a collaborator in any context will always be a highly valued type of attitude that will open doors and will most certainly be reciprocated.

  1. Flexible Attitude

Being flexible is a type of attitude that greatly favors the ability to adapt, especially in times of crisis or sudden changes.

In addition, it helps to look for alternatives and solve problems more effectively, unlike a rigid attitude that is paralyzed when things do not go as expected.

  1. Empathetic attitude

An empathic attitude is the essential requirement for effective communication , as it favors being able to adopt a position of listening and genuine concern for the other.

  1. Attitude of gratitude

The attitude of gratitude is one that is capable of always seeing the glass half full, rather than only looking at what is missing or what is not going well.

Being grateful will allow you to appreciate the present experience and enjoy more deeply what feeds the feeling of physical and mental well-being.

  1. Open attitude

The attitude of openness is one that is open to experience, to learning, whatever the path has will be well received and something positive will be obtained from each one.

Examples of positive attitudes in the workplace

  1. Proactive attitude

Having your own initiative and not just waiting to receive instructions is one of the attitudes that any employer most often appreciates.

  1. Attitude of respect

Respect is an essential quality in all types of relationships, even more so in the workplace, so maintaining a respectful attitude both with colleagues and with your superiors cannot be missing.

  1. Responsible attitude

The responsible attitude is translated in many ways, for example, through punctuality, meeting objectives and goals, avoiding unnecessary absences and being diligent.

  1. Leadership attitude

A leadership attitude implies being able to always go one step ahead, showing interest in the processes related to the work being done, and being able to make decisions at key moments.

  1. Honest attitude

The honest attitude is one that is demonstrated by conducting oneself in a transparent, genuine way, even acknowledging one’s own limitations and seeking help when necessary.

Examples of positive attitudes in the study

Maintaining a successful pace of studies can be quite a challenge that not only depends on one’s own abilities but above all on the type of attitude that one maintains during this process.

Here are some examples of attitudes that you can apply to obtain a better academic performance and achieve your goals.

  1. Persevering attitude

To continue, even though the results are not as expected, that is what a persevering attitude is all about, not giving up even when it seems impossible.

  1. Confidence Attitude

On many occasions, fear and negative thoughts can make a bad move when facing challenges, but with a confident attitude, keeping in mind your strengths, you can overcome them.

  1. Focus Attitude

Do not forget the goal and keep your eyes on the final goal, especially during the moments that it seems that you are not going to achieve it.

Keep in mind and constantly remind yourself of the reasons that motivated you to get there, your projects and dreams, to encourage you to achieve your goals.

  1. Teamwork

During training time it is important to be able to support yourself with other colleagues, meet, do homework together or study groups, they are excellent ways to achieve academic success.

  1. Reward your achievements

Recognize your own effort and do things you enjoy as a reward for your achievements, this also allows you to keep track of the evolution obtained, avoiding comparisons.




by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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