12 Examples of Skills of a Person

A person’s abilities are abilities that each being brings with them from birth or acquires over time. These behaviors provide the possibility of correctly and autonomously carrying out any type of activity.

The confusion between the term attitude and aptitude is common . The first is the way in which the individual reacts or the position he adopts in a specific situation. Instead, the second is a skill that allows someone to perform the task that he performs with the desired results.


Skills: Examples

  1. Communication process

Communication is part of everyday life, since all individuals communicate in some way Even when babies are born, even if they don’t speak, they use other methods to express themselves.

This process is part of a person’s aptitudes, considering that it is not exactly a quality that everyone enjoys in the same way. Although it is common to seek to transmit messages, not all comply with the indicated process.

  1. Personal autonomy

People who consider themselves autonomous are those who govern their actions through their own criteria, making decisions and carrying out activities without external factors intervening. These procedures allow the human being to develop independently in all areas of his life.

  1. Discipline

It is considered a trait or aptitude that, if fully promoted and executed, leads the individual to achieve their goals or objectives. Also known as ” self-discipline ” delimits an established behavior in the environment.

Regardless of how the person feels at a specific moment, this value makes it clear to them that carrying out the scheduled tasks is not negotiable. All responsibilities should be kept out of any external situation.

  1. Adaptation 

Many times there are situations or scenarios to which not all people get used to in the same way. Adaptation is directly related to the possibility of being able to adjust to an atypical circumstance.

The term applies to those cases that are not so pleasant or generate fear because they are unknown. The exposure is limited, but everything is resolved with will and good handling of the cause.

  1. Leadership

Among the most coveted skills of a person is leadership , since through its application the guide can ensure that the members of the community he leads reach their maximum potential.

In this way the team can stand out in the development of the proposed objectives. This type of concepts is applicable both for the professional field, as well as for the personal, family and social spheres.

  1. Be planned

Planning is a trait that allows the individual to structure a series of steps to follow, in order to achieve a goal This implies minimizing setbacks that may arise, avoiding unnecessary risks.

When a plan is made to follow, reaching the stated objective is easier and, probably, faster

  1. Empathy

When a person develops an empathic character, it is when they allow themselves to understand what others are going through and have solidarity in their cases. It is a fundamental value for the humanization of personal relationships.

The concept of empathy is closely related to feelings and emotions , which generate motivation to put yourself in the shoes of others.

  1. Learning ability

Like sports skills, it is very common for this value to begin to be appreciated at a very early age. Those who work in these terms consider it easy to learn, understand topics, determine objects of study and more.

In addition to the possibility of achieving concentration more quickly, factors such as discipline and the will to achieve goals also intervene. It should be noted that the applied learning strategies play a fundamental role in this context.

  1. Physical skills

Capabilities that involve physical dexterity are generally inborn, because you are born with certain advantages. For example, those that are related to body movement and sporting events.

An individual has more resistance doing sports or can be more energetic compared to others. This facilitates the correct development of any task of a physical nature, which contributes to well-being .

But it is not the same in all cases, since there are many things that can be learned and developed with the help of examples of human values , such as determination, perseverance, perseverance and patience.

  1. Emotional maturity

This trait is born with some, others acquire it over time, and some never experience it. Being emotionally mature does not have a specific time or age. This stage is reached depending on many factors associated with one’s own trajectory.

  1. Resilience

This condition is related to the objectivity with which unfortunate situations can be faced. It is one of the skills of a person that motivates to have an external position, look for tangible solutions and learn from the facts.

  1. Emotional intelligence

This ability involves the selectivity that individuals can have in relation to their feelings, while facing any type of circumstance. One of its characteristics is the awareness of not being governed by impulses. Decisions are more objective.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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