10 Examples of Skills

5. Be Disciplined 

This is one of the examples of skills in children that should always be encouraged so that they can achieve their goals.

Discipline will depend on how motivated people feel, in addition to having a positive image of life and always willing to get ahead.

In this way, we will have people who are dedicated and persevering in their objectives, with self-discipline that demands responsibility and a desire to excel.

6. Be honest

Honesty is part of the list of skills that every person should have.

Companies highly value this quality because it speaks to who is the individual to hire. 

This moral value helps to emerge within the company, earning the trust and respect not only of the manager but of the entire work team.

7. Show loyalty

To be firm in moments of happiness and in uncertain situations is to be loyal.

When hiring staff, companies look at this quality that speaks of what the worker’s interest is and if it will be a good option to invest in him/her.

8. Physical abilities

They are areas of physical education in which some stand out more than others.

It is about having muscular endurance, power and muscular strength, being fast to run, among other skills that apply to the sport.

9. Be empathetic

Empathy is the ability to put yourself in another’s place, treat everyone equally with respect and kindness.

It does not mean that an empathetic person is going to live laughing all day, but it does mean that they have social qualities that improve the work environment, at home or in the classroom.

10. Commitment and seriousness

Being committed and being serious about what is done is synonymous with being punctual and completing the tasks that are assigned on time. 

When we refer to being serious, it does not mean that you have to be in a bad mood all day, it is enough to demonstrate organization and responsibility to achieve the objective.

Skill Types

According to the qualities of the people we will have: 

The. Numerical 

Perform mathematical and logical operations.

b. Musical

Play musical instruments, sing, dance. 

c. Social

Easy to relate to others and have social interaction. 

d. artistic

When the areas of drawing and painting are handled with ease.

It is. Verbal

It means the ability to express terms that are difficult to pronounce, making them more digestible and easier for the listener.

skills and attitudes

The examples of abilities mentioned above demonstrate that although both terms are similar, they do not mean the same thing.

As for aptitude, it has to do with the ability to do something, that is, whether or not we have the skill to accomplish a task.

While, the attitude speaks of the disposition that we have to fulfill the entrusted task. 

Likewise, he talks about the behavior of people to face the situations that are presented to him on a daily basis.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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