8 Examples of Skills

A series of characteristics or qualities that stand out as abilities when developing a specific activity, in any existing context, are known as aptitudes .

These skills can be innate, as well as are usually acquired through discipline a determining factor in mastering an art or practice of daily life.

Examples of Skills

This theory covers a wide range of topics of interest, from a person’s aptitudes and job traits important for good performance, to interpersonal relationships. The following section will highlight some outstanding examples in this regard.

  1. Ease of persuasion

Persuasion is a quality that when developed provides wonderful opportunities. This practice allows the individual to achieve the goal he pursues without applying extreme measures such as force, violence or irrationality.

Having a persuasive attitude allows the goal to be reached through words, tests or elements that allow the other person to be convinced of what they want. A good example of this case is sales, since they seek to highlight the benefits of a product and persuade the potential customer to make the conversion or sale.

  1. Security

This example of aptitude is very useful in various areas, such as in the personal or work environment. Acting confidently in different situations provides credibility and trust , which is the basis for the development of many other activities effectively.

When someone makes statements safely, they are also persuasive in some way. To distinguish whether a person has this quality or not, small details such as tone of voice, posture and the conviction with which he addresses the other are perceived.

  1. Be proactive 

A very important and demanded trait when establishing criteria to hire someone in a job position is proactivity. It is important to highlight that this quality is also relevant in other less formal environments.

Having the initiative to carry out specific tasks is highly regarded in a professional profile , since this allows the board of directors to only supervise the work, instead of constantly ordering the execution of the different tasks to the worker.


  1. Artistic ability

This capacity is one of the most flexible in relation to its origin, since it can be innate or acquired. It is part of human traits, more than logical or practical.

Sometimes this is attached to the person from birth, or is even transmitted from generation to generation. In the same way, it can be developed by the individual as he progresses in his growth process.

Skills are abilities that one has to complete a specific task in everyday life. These can be innate or acquired.

  1. Understand and apply mathematical sciences

In these cases, people have great skill solving exercises or math problems . Whoever enjoys this ability can even create or combine formulas and give rise to new findings of this science.

It is appropriate to mention that just as some have skills with numbers, others may have skills in the natural sciences or physics. Likewise, there are also people who have the ability to learn different subjects or objects of study.

  1. Be empathetic

The concept of empathy generates positive changes in people. Being empathic is putting yourself in the other person’s situation and not judging, but understanding, encouraging, or providing support in any way possible.

Managing this concept not only benefits the affected individual, but also the person applying it and their environment in general. By being part of it, you look at the world with another perspective, feeding good energy and encouraging this practice in others.

  1. Concentration

This skill is highly valued by people, as many would like to have it and fail to acquire it. Being concentrated is fundamental in the development of tasks in the professional field, to obtain effective results.

Likewise, in the personal field, concentrating is important for the execution of certain activities, such as reading, performing relaxation techniques, meditating and cooking.

It is also present in other environments, among which the academic one stands out. To attend and understand a university class, you have to be attentive and focused on the pedagogical resources.

  1. Be organized

Previous execution of any activity, an element that combines very well in obtaining positive results is the organization. This attitude brings with it a valuable possibility of achieving many personal, corporate, couples or family goals.

Planning an outing, developing a workload, doing homework and even going to work requires a minimum level of execution of this term. Both organization and planning are essential for the optimal development of daily tasks.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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