7 Ways to Motivate Colleagues

Even if you’re not a leader or maybe a manager, you can still motivate your co-workers.

Moreover, this motivation is given so that they can work better and increase their productivity.

Moreover, the work they do relates to many people. If you don’t get excited, other people will also be affected.

So, if you are in a situation like this, Glints has prepared an exemplary way to motivate co -workers.

Also Read: 16 Motivational Quotes to Be Your Enthusiasm at Work

How to Motivate to Colleagues

Motivating can be done at any time and you don’t have to wait for co-workers to vent or look difficult.

You can provide motivation below so that they have enthusiasm again and complete the job perfectly.

  1. Asking for help

Sometimes a person becomes discouraged from doing anything because they have lost their purpose.

However, if you resurrect that goal, there’s a good chance the motivation will bounce back pretty quickly.

Quoted from Chron , you can raise that spirit by asking them for help directly.

If it relates to their skills or expertise, they will be eager again to help and answer every question.

  1. Listen to what they have to say

Problems cause a person to become more silent and lose motivation to work.

This is why when you feel co-workers are starting to get down, you can ask questions or listen to the complaints they have.

Even though they don’t immediately provide a solution, at least they don’t feel alone. You can also provide moral support to get them up.

  1. Establish good relationships

Try socializing with co-workers who are starting to lose motivation at work.

This socialization can be done by inviting them to chat in their free time and exchanging ideas.

New insights that come out of discussions can sometimes increase enthusiasm and work motivation.

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  1. Understand what his interests are

According to The Muse , sometimes a person becomes unmotivated because the thing that attracted them is gone.

One way to get him motivated again is to come up with something interesting.

For example, giving them some kind of challenge that makes them interested and motivated again.

  1. Provides trust

Providing trust will also keep colleagues motivated.

For example, when working on something, you can give them the confidence to get it done.

So, they have a high sense of responsibility.

  1. Give positive encouragement

Positive encouragement will also make everyone motivated to come back from a slump.

Quoted from Cooke Stationery , to provide positive encouragement, you can provide some kind of criticism and suggestions.

Let them know what their skills are and what you can do with those skills.

With this encouragement they can be more enthusiastic about doing anything. Because there are challenges that are indirectly given.

  1. Provide proper examples

Sometimes to provide motivation, you have to set an example directly in front of your co-workers.

For example, give an example of what to do to keep the spirit or the like. That way, they seem to have hope for change.

Because if it’s only in the form of motivational words, sometimes it’s a bit difficult if you have to apply it directly.

Also Read: Starting to Feel Tired of Working? Know What Demotivation Is and 10 Causes

Those are seven ways to motivate fellow co-workers.

The impact of colleagues who are back enthusiastic and productive will be felt by many people.

When everything goes smoothly, work can be completed quickly and according to the expected target.

So, there’s nothing wrong with providing motivation even if it’s just giving a short speech or listening to them complain.

If you are still interested in things related to relationships with colleagues and types of workers in the office, Glints has a collection of articles .