6 prostate cancer symptoms you need to be aware of

Blood in the urine, back pain and fatigue are some of the main symptoms of prostate cancer. It is necessary to pay attention to them, because the chances of cure are great when the diagnosis is made early. The problem is that, in general, such signs only manifest at an advanced stage of the disease.

For this reason, visits to the doctor should be made regularly to prevent cancer. Anyone who has a family history of the disease or has reached the age of 50 must redouble their care and perform specific tests to identify any changes in the region – even if the symptoms are null.

In this article, we will explain in detail what prostate cancer is, what causes it, how to diagnose it, what are the main symptoms and ways of treatment. Check out!

What is prostate cancer and what causes it?

The tumor that affects the prostate is called prostate cancer. This gland is located below the bladder, in the region where the urethra passes until it reaches the external orifice of the penis. With the accelerated multiplication of cells at the site, there is a compromise of tissues and organs by blood or lymphatic.

After skin cancer , prostate cancer is the one that most affects men – especially with advancing age, from the age of 50. Other factors related to its appearance are the history of the disease in the family, overweight and obesity, physical inactivity, poor diet, environmental pollution, estrogen levels and ethnicity (black people are more likely to develop it).

How to diagnose it?

In order to identify any alteration in the prostate, it is necessary to perform two exams, digital rectal examination and PSA measurement. In case of variation, a biopsy should be performed to check for a tumor and whether it is malignant. If the result is confirmed, laboratory procedures are performed to verify the size and the presence or absence of metastases.

It is worth remembering that the initial procedures are not sufficient to confirm cancer, but they are important for detecting enlarged glands or altered prostate proteins. In addition, these methods are complementary, so, contrary to what is popularly disseminated, one does not replace the other.

Even if there are no symptoms, men over 40 (with a high risk of developing the disease) or 50 years old should have a touch exam and PSA measurement annually or every two years as a preventive measure . However, it is also necessary to pay attention to the signs of prostate cancer and seek medical attention immediately for early diagnosis and treatment.

What are the main symptoms of prostate cancer?

In general, prostate cancer is silent, so every man should be checked regularly to see if his health is up to date. The signs of the disease usually appear when it is at an advanced stage. Find out below what they are.

1. Blood in the urine

A sign that our health is under control is when the urine is clear. Therefore, if you notice the presence of blood when urinating, you need to see your doctor to investigate the cause. Called in the language of hematuria medicine, this is one of the most common symptoms of prostate cancer.

2. Excessive urination

Do you feel the need to urinate always? When you go to the bathroom, is the amount of liquid expelled greater than normal? Excessive urination is also one of the signs of prostate cancer, so you need to be aware of this sign. Another possible diagnosis is benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a benign growth of the gland.

3. Weight loss

When they have a health problem, some people start losing weight for no apparent reason, even though their eating and living habits remain the same. This is a symptom not only of prostate cancer, but also of other serious illnesses. Investigating the cause as quickly as possible is essential to finding the right solution.

4. Burning sensation in the urethra

Symptoms of prostate cancer also include a burning sensation in the urethra, a channel that passes urine and sperm. There are those who regard this discomfort as something fleeting and postpone going to the doctor. However, the recurrence of this manifestation must be taken seriously, as it signals the advanced stage of the disease.

5. Fatigue

Feeling tired when making the least effort is a warning that there is some change in your body. Fatigue is related to mental and physical illnesses , and is also one of the symptoms of prostate cancer. If it is associated with other signs of the disease, the chances of a diagnosis confirming it are even greater. So see your doctor to investigate this problem.

6. Pain in the back, testicles and pelvis

Discomfort in the organs of the male reproductive system or in the surrounding area is yet another warning sign for prostate cancer. When the disease progresses, it is still common to experience bone pain – especially in the back region. This is a symptom of the presence of metastases, which will require specific therapeutic methods to reverse the condition.

What are the forms of treatment?

There are different types of therapies to treat prostate cancer, and they can be combined or not. Who decides for the best method is the urologist , according to the age of the patient, the size and classification of the tumor. Less invasive clinical follow-up, for example, is indicated for the elderly with slow progression of the disease.

If the tumor is located only in the prostate, the recommendation is to have a radical prostatectomy. This treatment consists of complete removal of the gland and is performed by means of conventional laparoscopic surgery (that is, with perineal or retropubic cut) or robot-assisted laparoscopy.

Such procedure has the objective of curing cancer, as well as radiotherapy – another alternative adopted to treat the disease. In the case of metastasis, hormone therapy must be used, a technique applied to the body to stop stimulating the growth of the tumor. However, if there is no response to this and other treatments, the patient must undergo chemotherapy sessions.

Now you know what are the most common prostate cancer symptoms. Even though everything seems to be in order, be sure to visit the doctor regularly for preventive exams. Remember that, in most cases, the signs appear only in the advanced stage, so it is essential to follow up in order to identify the disease early.

So, are your exams up to date? If you need a complete check-up or a specialized evaluation, contact PartMed for quick consultations and exams with the security you deserve!

by Abdullah Sam
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