Teamwork or teamwork is the ability possessed by a group or work team in working together to achieve the same goals, vision and mission . The hard work they provide is none other than aimed at achieving mutual success in meeting the goals of the organization or company that have been set together.


In teamwork , all people who belong to the organization or company concerned must be willing to work together to achieve common goals. Therefore, building teamwork (team building) cannot be done alone. For example, teamwork in an organization is only carried out by the CEO, but the employees do nothing, so this effort will be difficult to succeed.


Examples of teamwork can be found when a company is organizing an important event, where the marketing team will assist the HRD (Human Resource Department) team to promote the event to outside guests. The benefits of teamwork will be shared by all members of the team involved. Why so? Because everyone has given their maximum effort to achieve common goals, not personal goals. That is the importance of teamwork, everyone does not act selfishly by prioritizing their own interests.


How can you encourage teamwork?

Because a goal cannot be achieved by an individual business, teamwork has a very important role. So, how can we create teamwork? In this article, we will discuss about how to form effective and strong teamwork through 6 great ways to encourage teamwork suggested by experts on the website of thought full leader dot com. Let us consider the following explanation.


1. Support the Team by Setting the Right Standards.

The first way that needs to be done is that leaders must be able to set the exact standard of work that is really needed to achieve common goals. The reason is, jobs that do not have the right standard will certainly confuse many people because each person will provide varied work. Every team member must feel lost direction because of the lack of appropriate work standards.


Therefore, the first great way to do it is to determine the right standard of work. For example, if employees get technical assignments, then make sure their work standards are also related to technical matters. By having the right work standards, employees will feel more confident in their work and they will feel they have a “safety fence” that can be followed.


In addition, clear work standards will also make it easier for leaders to make observations, “does their work team meet existing work standards or not?” Work standards become one of the things that is very important in teamwork. Logically, how groups or work groups can work together well together, if there are no work standards that govern their work.


2. Support the Team by Communicating Accountability.

The second way that needs to be done to create teamwork is to communicate accountability to all team members. For example, when a leader delegates work assignments to his employees, this is the same as delegating responsibility isn’t it? Now, because the task of working together with a responsibility, the leader must delegate it with very clear communication.


Clear communication for example by telling other team members that the employee has been given responsibility by us. That way, other team members will know that the person is someone who is responsible for the team. If we don’t tell the other team members, then this condition will make them feel that roles and responsibilities within the company are very unclear.


3. Support the Team by Helping to Develop Their Skills.

In order for teamwork to progress better, leaders must be brave and willing to help their team members develop their skills. The problem is, if the leaders do not encourage this, then all team members will experience “stagnation” or their skills can only run at the same point continuously, no progress whatsoever. Not only that, they will also feel insecure because they feel unable to do the best things.


To support their development, we can provide learning opportunities through guidance, training, or job training. In this case, we can also provide cross training where we can spread skills and experience to all team members. Through the implementation of this cross training, each team member will have the opportunity to work with other colleagues especially in solving any existing problems. Thus, team members do not feel that they are the only people who can only understand everything in the team. In this way, all team members will become more compact in working together.


4. Support the Team by Reviewing Their Work Frequently.

The fourth way that can be done is to review the work done by team members as often as possible (try to always pay attention and review their work). In this case, we need to avoid being a leader who only comes to team members when a crisis comes.


How can our team members work well together, if the leader is not on their side when the team members find it difficult? Therefore, we need to check the condition of team members and the state of their work as often as possible. If we only come at the end of time and criticize their work without seeing the process, then this kind of action will only increase the feeling of stress that team members feel. Have regular weekly or monthly meetings to find out about work progress and difficulties faced by all team members.


5. Support the Team by Being Supporting No. 1 for them.

Often there are other parties who might not like to see our work team that is very strong and compact. These parties may try to bring down or interfere with the well-established teamwork of our team members.


There is no doubt that we need to understand whatever problems befall our team, is our team the main cause of the problem or not? However, apart from that all we need to be supporters or supporters no. 1 for our work team. In other words, we believe that they will do the best things and will not be a trouble maker (even though a leader must still find out the truth). Being a number one supporter for them means we trust and support them to continue to work together in a way that is good, right and honest .


6. Support the Team by Always Present for Them.

The sixth method is almost the same as the 4th point. The difference is, a leader must be present and present to all members of his team, both in terms of work and things outside of work. If team members are feeling difficulties and need support from their leaders, whether in the form of advice or coaching, then we always try to be there for them. Don’t be a leader who is hard to contact or be indifferent to his team members. Take the time if they need to talk to us, be a leader who is always “available” to his team members.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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