16 Mental Disorders (with explanations)

Federico Babina   transformed 16 mental disorders into architectural figures , houses that represent the main symptoms of people suffering from such diseases. The series of illustrations is called   Archiatric . 

The artist, inspired by cubism and surrealism, tried to convey the reality of these people in a series of simple houses that are transforming their lines and figures into a representation of the meaning of these psychiatric diagnoses.

1.  Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is a disease characterized by chronic and progressive deterioration, with effects on the ability to remember, learn and reason. The loss of memory and confusion of these people seems to be represented by the cracks in the house.

2. Anxiety

The house becomes the prison of the person himself, who seems to take refuge in it for fear and concern that prevents him from carrying out certain activities normally.

3. Autism

The artist recreates the disorder as a series of lines that end, inside the house, representing the inability or difficulty to express himself correctly and connect with the outside.

4. Bipolar Disorder

In bipolar disorder the house is divided into two distinct realities. On the one hand, the vacuum of depressive states and on the other the periods of high activity.

5. Dementia

Babina tries to represent dementia in a house that gradually seems to disintegrate into small cubes that eventually disappear.

6. Depression

The house seems to turn into tears falling on the person who lives in a state of sadness.

7. Dyslexia

Dyslexia is characterized by impairing the ability to read, by mixing the order of words, syllables or letters. The house is full of letters with several erasures with its inhabitant upside down.

8. Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is characterized by marked changes in behavior, which may include a tendency to apathy and isolation, hallucinations, delusions and disorganized thinking, among others.

The house becomes a disorganized composition.

9. Phobias

Phobias are irrational fears.

The author represents phobias as a kind of terror house in which the person is threatened and locked.

10. Insomnia

The insomnia house has an hourglass in which time does not seem to be entirely consumed while trying to sleep.

11. Narcolepsy

The Narcolepsy is characterized by excessive and uncontrollable sleepiness.

12. Paranoia

Paranoia is a mental illness characterized by the appearance of fixed, obsessive and absurd ideas, factually inaccurate or unfounded, together with a well-preserved personality, without loss of consciousness and hallucinations.

13. Behavioral eating disorders

Some examples of eating disorders are anorexia, bulimia and vigorexia.

14. Gender Disorder

Gender identity disorder has disappeared as such in the new DSM-V, the Manual of Mental Disorders par excellence. It is known as gender dysphoria  and refers to psychological maladjustment due to the incongruity between the sex attributed to birth (sexual appearance) and the personal sense of being a man or woman.

The author represents gender disorder as a house made of rectangles in which there is a piece that does not fit.

15. Dissociative Disorders

Babina represents such disorders as a house within a house, as two different realities that coexist in the same person.

16. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a disorder characterized by the presence of obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are persistent and recurring thoughts, impulses or images that are experienced at some point during the disturbance in an intrusive and inappropriate manner and cause marked anxiety or significant suffering


by Abdullah Sam
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