16 great reasons to eat in bed

Of all the possible ways to mess up the place where I live, my favorite is undoubtedly eating in bed.

Since no one reads these introductions (rightly so), I will go directly to listing what are great reasons to eat in bed.

Here is the list of reasons that will convince you to eat in bed

# 1 You can pick up the crumbs that fall on your chest directly with your tongue.

# 2 You can hide the crumbs under the pillow.

# 3 And when you’re sick of waking up on a rudimentary throne built by the worker ants who made you king of the anthill, just throw it all in the washing machine.

# 4 You can experience the sinful pleasure of having sex with your boyfriend over pizza scraps.

# 5 When you wake up in the morning you may still find some tasty leftovers from the previous night to finish.

# 6 At the end of the meal you don’t have to get up from the table and walk to the sofa.

# 7 Outside the duvet no one is safe.

# 8 There are those who when they eat take off their belt or unbutton their pants, you stay directly in their underwear.

# 9 You have a huge napkin to wipe your mouth with.

# 10 The sheets don’t just cover you, they also cover the evidence of your gluttony.

# 11 If you eat in bed while watching TV, you are entitled to include multitasking skills in your resume.

# 12 The Romans ate while lying on the triclinium beds and invented sewers. Think what you can do.

# 13 Food and pillow, there is no better combination of relaxation.

# 14 You can even get drunk like a babbà without needing someone to put you to bed.

# 15 When you tell your coworkers what you did over the weekend everyone envies you.

# 16 Have you been dumped? You can fill the gap left in that half of the bed by replacing your ex with a plate of eggplant parmesan.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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