11 keys to the dialogues of a script

When we face the creation and development of a literary script , the dialogues will have a primary quantitative and qualitative weight.Next, we will see the fundamental uses, and also the most common, of the dialogues in any well-structured script :

  1. Suppression of dead presences: itis very convenient, almost obligatory, the elimination in the dialogues of a script of the hesitations, the redundancies and the elements that contribute little or nothing to the development of the story.
  2. The introduction of classical rhetorical resources:for example, if we use the synecdoche or metonymy, we will be playing with the content subtext of the dialogues, which will enrich the script .
  3. Focus the point of view:that is, be clear about the position the viewer is going to have before any fact or information contained in the dialogues. Thus, they can reveal thoughts, lies to other characters or to the same viewer.
  4. Dialogues with voice- over: we can design dialogues that are out of the action or the images that we are, as spectators, seeing at that moment. The voice in voice can correspond to an entity outside the action (narrator) or within it (characters).
  5. Using the viewer when the dialogues are inaudible:in this case, the viewer will tend to use the information available up to that moment, together with the imagination, which is usually a very attractive resource.
  6. Explanation or justification of the action:very common recourse for dialogues, since dramatic action can thus advance.
  7. Organize the dramatic structure:ordering, according to the writer’s opinion , the appearance of the information throughout the narration.
  8. Create rhythm:dialogues can be developed in such a way that they are very agile or slow, being able, in any case, to accompany the action from the rhythmic point of view.
  9. Create a counterpoint:generate, through dialogues, a feeling contrary to what the viewer perceives in the images.
  10. Time compression:dialogues are widely used to replace visual information (which would be redundant) and unite common ideas from different scenes.
  11. Catalyze the transition between sequences:through the dialogues of a scriptwe can easily join two consecutive sequences.


by Abdullah Sam
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