10 Sites to download free eBooks

You just bought an eBook reader , would you like to fill it with books so you always have something to read, but want to avoid spending more money? No problem. There are several sites to download free eBooks that offer an easy and, above all, legal way to get books of any genre, era and language at no cost.

As you may have easily guessed, the books in question are almost all old classics no longer covered by copyright, but there are also more recent works whose authors have authorized free distribution. In short, there is really everything. You will be spoiled for choice!

Just one thing before you start: make sure the eBooks you download from the Internet are in a format that your eBook reader supports. For Kindles I recommend books in Mobi or AZW format ; books in ePub format for eBook readers from other brands , while common PDFs can also work for tablets . There are, however, no problems related to DRM: the books hosted on the sites I am about to tell you do not contain digital padlocks and therefore can be read freely on any device suitable for the purpose. Have fun and, above all, happy reading!


  • Sites to download free eBooks without registration
    • Project Gutenberg
    • Liber Liber
    • Free Ebook
    • FeedBooks
  • Other sites to download free eBooks
    • ManyBooks
    • Mondadori Store
    • Kindle Store
    • Other sites

Sites to download free eBooks without registration

You can’t wait to start downloading eBooks for your new eBook reader, but you’ll probably have to use several websites to find all the books you are looking for. However, you would like to avoid having to register for every website, so you are looking for sites to download free eBooks without registration .

No problem, below you will find some websites where you can download eBooks for free without having to register. Just choose the book you want and click the Download button!

Project Gutenberg

The first completely free service that I suggest you use is Project Gutenberg , a platform founded by Michael Hart, the inventor of eBooks . It is a real online library, in which there are thousands of texts in electronic format, all not protected by copyright.

How do you say? Have you tried to access this platform in the past, but without success? In Italy, from 2020, the site is no longer freely accessible through the main providers due to some copyright problems on some works. However, to be able to access it, you just need to change the DNS of your connection.

Once the DNS change has been made, you will be able to access the platform again by connecting to the main page of the service via any web browser . The website is in English , but it is still easy to use. In addition, there are works in various languages, but you can filter the search to obtain only those written in Italian: to do so click on the Search and Browse item and then on Book Search . On the next page click on the Advance Search item and from the drop-down menu of the Language item select the item Italian : to start the search click on the Search buttonor use this link directly .

To proceed with the download of an eBook, click on the title of your interest: in the next screen decide the format in which to download: HTML (to read the book directly in the PC browser), ePub (for eBook readers), Kindle ( for Kindles ) and Plain Text (text without formatting or graphics).

Furthermore, among the additional features available there is the possibility to upload books in ePub and Kindle format directly to cloud storage services , by clicking on the icons of Dropbox , OneDrive and Google Drive .

Liber Liber

If you are looking for an Italian platform, instead, I suggest you use Liber Liber . It is a non-profit association active since 1994 which has created a real free digital library. There are over 4,000 books on the website, including great classics of literature and non-copyrighted works.

To download a book you have to go to the official website and click on the item Books that you find in the bar at the top. From the menu that appears, click on the item List of authors and works to access the catalog, or click on Most downloaded books (ePub) to access the list of the books most downloaded by users.

Once you have selected the author and then the book you want to download, click on it: in the next screen you will find a brief summary of the book, while scrolling down you will find the Download for free section . Now all you have to do is click on the format in which you want to download the book (among those available), for example ePub , HTML , ODT , PDF or Audiobook .

If you want to support the platform, instead, just go to the Shop section , from which you can buy some products, such as audiobook players .

Free Ebook

Are you looking for sites to download free ePub eBooks ? In this case I suggest you take a look at the Ebook Gratis website , an Italian portal where you can download free books, magazines, comics, essays and collections of short stories produced by independent authors who have decided to distribute their works for free online (not you will find, therefore, classics of literature).

The first thing you need to do is go to this web page and click on the Free eBook item at the top. Alternatively, you can click on the items Free Books , Free Magazines , Free Comics , Online Newspapers or News eBooks located in the top bar, to directly access the different categories.

To proceed with the download of a book, all you have to do is click on it from the list and then, on the page that opens, click on the Download button next to the format in which the file is available (for example ePub or PDF ). There is usually only one format for each book.


The last platform I suggest you use if you want to download eBooks without signing up for the service, FeedBooks might be your best choice. However, the books on this website are not all free.

If, however, you are only interested in the free ones, just go to this Web page and click on the Catalog item in the bar at the top: from the drop-down menu select the item Public domain .

In the next screen you will be offered all the books available for free download, since they are works not protected by copyright.

Once you have located the book you want to download, click on it and on the next page click on the Download button : the file will be downloaded in ePub format .

Other sites to download free eBooks

In addition to the websites I mentioned in the previous paragraph, there are also other sites to download free eBooks , but these require registration in order to proceed with the download. However, don’t worry, the procedure is still very simple.


The first website I suggest you use is called ManyBooks and has been operational since 2004. The website allows you to download books in various languages ​​for free, including those in Italian.

To search only for titles in Italian, just go to this Web page , using any Web browser, click on the Discover item at the top and then on Languages : on the page that appears, click on the Italian item .

On the page that opens you will find all the books available in Italian. Once you have chosen the book you want to download, click on it and on the next page click on the Free Download button . As I anticipated, to proceed with the download you must necessarily register on the site, for free: enter your name, email and password and click on the Continue button . Alternatively, you can log in with your Google account by clicking on the Continue with Google button .

Once registered, indicate the format in which you want to download the books, for example ePub (you can change it whenever you want through the My Profile section ). Once this is done, all you have to do is go back to the book download screen and click on the Free Download button . Easy right?

Mondadori Store

You probably weren’t aware of it, but also on the Mondadori Store website there is a section where you can download eBooks in Italian for free, which you can use on your Kobo or Tolino .

To download the book you want the first thing you need to do is go to this web page and choose the eBook you prefer by clicking on it from the list. On the page that opens, to proceed with the download you need to click on the Subscribe to Kobo + button and then click Continue Purchase . This service allows you to download eBooks from the Mondadori Store, but requires the subscription of a subscription which has a monthly cost of 9.99 euros . Luckily, there is a one-month free trial , during which you can read as many books as you want.

To take advantage of this possibility, all you have to do is click on the Start free trial button , search for the book you wanted to download from the Mondadori Store and, once identified, click on the Add to my books button . You won’t be able to download the book file, but you will be able to access it using your Kobo account on a Kobo eReader or the app for Android devices (also on alternative stores ) and iPhone / iPad .

Kindle Store

Are you looking for sites to download free Kindle eBooks ? In this case, all you have to do is go to the Kindle Store , and specifically, access the free section of the platform using any web browser .

Once you have selected the eBook you want to read, select your Kindle or a device on which you have installed the Kindle app from the drop-down menu of the Send to item on the right and proceed with the purchase (for free) by clicking on the Buy now button with 1-Click . More info here .

Other sites

Do you want to know if there are other sites through which you can download eBooks for free? If the sites that I have proposed above have not fully satisfied you, below you will find some other websites through which you can download eBooks for free .

  • org– website where you can download books, magazines, films, software, music and other works of cultural importance that are no longer protected by copyright. Its purpose, in fact, is to preserve human culture by creating an archive of everything that can be archived in digital format. Once you have located the book you want to download, you can choose the format in which to download the eBook, such as ePub , Kindle and PDF .
  • Wikisource– online platform which is a real digital library in which there are works distributed under a Creative Commons license. Once you have identified a book of your interest, you can download it in ePub , Mobi, PDF , RTF or TXT format .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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