10 Facts About Police dogs

In every country in the world, anywhere. Most of the inhabitants of the planet have ever seen a dog used in security work by a police force. Their instinct and their smell, both infallible, are an excellent tool for the attack and for detecting narcotics, explosives, illegal products, etc., for this reason it is important to dedicate this article to police dogs .

In order for police dogs to carry out their duties, they must undergo rigorous training. The breeds used for these functions depend, to a large extent, on what they are going to perform in the field and the dog is regularly specialized in a single area of ​​action, so that it can perfect the techniques.

The breeds most used for police dog functions are: the German Shepherd, the Doberman and the Rottweiler ( access their file ). But, for those functions that do not involve attack, such as detection of substances, the golden retriever, the labrador or the Belgian shepherd are also used.

The Roles of Police Dogs

The use of dogs in security functions is very varied and dates back many years. In the Second World War, Germanic commandos relied on fierce German shepherds who served them to reduce isolated and encircled enemies. They were also used to survey a terrain before the entry of the vanguard forces.

At present, the use of police dogs is mainly linked to the detection of illicit substances. Different countries have canine brigades dedicated to various functions: detection of narcotics, hidden money, fruits, explosives, tobacco; intervention in hostage situations to protect the lives of captives, search for criminals and rescue in catastrophes .

When buildings collapse, specialized dogs are unbeatable in locating trapped people. That is why every day the training of these noble and useful animals has been perfected.

Training: from puppies they are learning

Police dogs are trained since they are puppies. The trainers do a check of the dog’s conditions and it has to comply with some fundamental requirements, one of them is to obey orders. In the performance of his duties, he will work with a guide, an officer in charge of the animal, with whom he will be side by side.

When a dog likes to play and be active it has the potential to be trained in safety tasks. In addition to being awake, the animal must have a good relationship between size and weight, robust specimens are preferred because they impose authority.

The training of the dogs is carried out in special facilities where they have everything they need: bedrooms, food, specialized gyms and free space to run and exercise.

Socialization is key in training

A police dog must be sociable, this element is essential because it will allow him to understand the relationship he has with his guide, to follow orders and instructions and to work under pressure. The official who is designated as the guide of that canine must participate in the training so that the phenomenon of delivery to the leader occurs.

An essential part is that the dog learns to work in all kinds of conditions. With vehicle noise, without it, in all kinds of climates, on flat floors or with stairs, with debris, in large crowds. The key is that they understand that they will obey the instructions and with the stimulus and reward method they will learn to do what they are told.

Dismantling the myth: they don’t use drugs

The widespread myth indicates that police dogs used to detect narcotics make them addicted to those substances, a totally false thing. Experts have explained that the training of these pets is done with the stimulus and reward method. In practice, the dog is taught to look for a toy, and that object is placed in the same box where there are psychotropic substances so that they can identify the smell and determine where the package is.

by Abdullah Sam
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