The profile of the National Police on Twitter has been the reference for other bodies and brands in general for years. Carlos Fernández Guerra created a school and put @policia at the top of the network in general and of the profiles of security forces in the world more specifically.
It all started as a result of the decision they made at the top management, they wanted to boost the image of the security body on social networks. The objective has been more than met, becoming the most followed account of all the security forces in the world. The Community Manager who started the journey on Facebook and Twitter for the organization, Carfergue, was the main responsible for the success.
Police profile
The success of the profile on Twitter has boosted the rest of the social accounts and the CNP is also present on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Periscope, TikTok and Telegram.
Account data
The National Police profile on Twitter currently has (June 2021) more than 3.5 million followers, being the security body with the most followers in the world ahead of the CIA (3.2 million) and the FBI (3.3 million) . This is a profile created in 2009 when the large accounts of the social network were a thing of brands and multinationals that offered customer service and campaign promotion, in short, one more means of communication to boost activity.
The CNP profile does not follow any other account and in its biography they indicate the rest of the links for the other social networks and messaging applications in which it is present. The main objective of the social networks department, which is made up of approximately 10 people, is to listen to all the mentions received and respond to most of the private messages they receive to provide service to the community, which could currently be encrypted at more than 4,000 daily mentions those that have to be attended, and generate the content that is published daily.
Type of content
The types of tweets that we can find are very varied , the large audience and the accumulated prestige influence the need to publish content aimed at a very diverse audience.
We can find publications tone information on routine maneuvers each work shift or else operations successful, is one of the best ways to inform the public of the work done by the different divisions of the Body. Another very common type of content is that of prevention work when specific dates approach, such as the tweet that we attach in which the effects of firecrackers on animals, for example, are recalled. In general, it is about advice aimed at society in general to promote good coexistence and the safety of the most vulnerable.
Worldwide recognition
The growth of the account has not gone unnoticed. It is a reference in communication through social networks at all levels, both for commercial brands and for public and security organizations around the world. Although it is a National Security Corps, the strategy to reach as many people as possible is similar to that of the rest of the profiles, and this achievement has been recognized from different areas .
The key moment for this profile was when they reached 500,000 followers . Numerous official accounts did echo this; the FBI account congratulated the CNP for the milestone and highlighted citizen collaboration as the best weapon against crime. Other profiles such as that of Mariano Rajoy, then president, or the official profile of the social network itself published congratulations.
Beginnings in the social network
Carlos Fernández Guerra was in charge at the beginning of 2009 of registering the official profiles on Facebook and Twitter, with the main objective that no one took hold of them. As head of the communication department, he began to publish his first posts in which he himself admits having made many mistakes, but as the number of followers was very limited, they hardly had any significance.
The arrival of Ignacio Cosidó to the management of the Agency led to the creation of the Police 2.0 program where Carlos, first alone and later accompanied by the entire social media department, promoted the social profiles of the security body. The messages published prior to the 10,000 followers mark were merely informative and with little engagement. It was with the impulse that a new style was defined with a more attractive language and totally revolutionary tweets that went viral one after another, promoting the organic growth of the “brand”.
Carlos’s success
Carlos Fernández Guerra has a degree in Information Sciences and a Master’s degree in Business Communication and is also the head of the security body’s Twitter account from its creation in March 2009 to August 31, 2015 .
In addition to its work on the expansion and content management profile on Twitter, also acts as a teacher in different masters of communication and specialized courses in business schools.
Who is and why
He began as the solo Community Manager until it was decided to promote the Institution’s presence in social networks. The arrival of Ignacio Cosidó as CEO was key to the growth of social profiles, Cosidó was a very active person in social networks and he trusted to follow that path with the entity.
From that moment on, it was decided to change the tone in which the messages were transmitted, be clear that the audience to be addressed was the youngest and adapt to new forms and languages. Special awareness campaigns were also created, such as the Tweetredadas to seek a greater impact among the audience.
There are innumerable awards and recognitions he has received for his work as CM of the Institution. Among them, it is worth highlighting the Best CM in Spain in the 2013 TweetAwards, the 2014 iRedes award for the best Ibero-American Institution in networks, the ADSLZone Award for the best strategy or the Grand National Marketing Award. Currently, Carfergue is Iberdrola’s Social Media Manager, where he has achieved several successes and has strengthened the image of the brand on social networks.
Keys to its popularity
Having the backing of the Organization itself has been essential for Carlos and his communication team in the department to innovate and try out new, more transgressive (and also riskier) formulas .
From there, a more current way of communicating with a language more in line with that used by most users began to be created. “Don’t do the cinnamon”, “Ola ke Ase? Get into trouble or do you Ase? ” Or “#Summer and you have some michelin left over, FIRST NOTICE. Of course, do not believe in “motorcycles” or rare miracles seen on the Internet “ are some of the examples to be able to capture the attention of your followers through humorous language.
In addition to a more attractive use of language, topics focused on the citizen are chosen , the communication deals with the topics that really matter to the people who read the profile messages, the institutional information is not interesting, but how to protect your home when you leave On vacation and the actions to avoid are of great help.
@Police today
What is known as version 3.0 is the search for citizen collaboration to maintain an operational use of social networks. Now it is a means of direct communication with the citizen. From the social network itself, it is enough to mention or send a Direct Message to report any illegal or suspicious activity, maintaining our privacy from the outside.
Currently the Twitter profile combines all kinds of content , always accompanied by an image or video. They are messages that usually combine action tips in mass events to collaborate with the security forces and information on the actions carried out on a day-to-day basis. We can also find Retweets of messages published by media profiles, other security forces from other countries, or achievements of CNP members both professionally and sportingly.
The main objective of all its content is to focus on citizenship and collaboration with it. Information and collaboration is key. All kinds of topics are covered, such as cybersecurity, they recommend us to have updated devices, not trust or click on suspicious links, etc.
Account uses
Direct collaboration is sought . In a profile with so many followers it is very important to filter the useful content of the mentions and messages received from the superfluous and to encourage participation in certain types of cases is very important. The profile on Twitter is complemented by that of the rest of social networks and the Telegram bot.
The tweetredadas are special awareness campaigns about a problem or a specific situation that are carried out at specific times. Thanks to these “raids” hundreds of people have been arrested and the emails received with relevant information number in the thousands each year.
They are usually aimed at actions against stalkers on social networks or WhatsApp, drug trafficking, gender violence, bullying, racism or any other type of harassment.
In which cases to contact
They aim to listen to the hundreds of mentions and private messages that are received on a daily basis. Therefore, if we have witnessed a criminal act, if we have located a criminal who appears on a list of wanted criminals or you have any other type of relevant information and you cannot or do not dare to go to a police station, you can contact with the profile through private messaging on the social network.