My dog ​​urinates: reasons and tips to avoid it

Our pets are an integral part of the family and for this reason, we give them the confidence to be at ease throughout the house. However, it may happen that he has difficult attitudes and you wonder why does my dog ​​urinate at home?

This attitude is usually common and is due to one or more reasons. That is why this time we will dedicate ourselves to describing the various reasons why my dog ​​urinates at home! But also, we will give you the best tips to prevent this from continuing.

Just continue with us and discover everything you need to know about this important topic.

Reasons why my dog ​​urinates at home

There are multiple reasons that cause this attitude in our dog. Therefore, we will describe the most common ones and you will also learn to identify them.

My dog ​​urinates at home because he is dominant

Male dogs are dominant by nature, some example breeds are the Pit Bull, Bull Terrier, Bull Dog or Dogo ( see file ). They have a difficult temperament to understand and control.

These dogs want to place their mark anywhere. For them, everything belongs to them and everything must be marked with the smell of their urine.

It is our responsibility to show them that we are the alpha of the group. But the truth is not that easy and it takes time. Now, it is very important that we never do something as a form of punishment. Therefore, as you talk to him, educate him and let him know what is wrong, your dog will learn that he should not do it indoors.

Marking is a behavior that is part of the dog, an option to avoid it is sterilization, if it is not going to be raised with the animal.

Bad Education

Some dogs with an education deficit are due to a genetic predisposition towards disobedience and control. In addition, they are usually very outgoing and believe that it is all a game.

However, rudeness is almost always a consequence of not teaching them where to urinate.

Whether it is an adult or a puppy, the best way is to be aware of when you want to urinate and immediately take it to the place where we want it to. In this way, we will teach you to identify the correct time and place to do your physiological needs.

Behavior disorder

The most common reason for this behavior is anxiety over the absence of a loved one. It is important that we remember how loving dogs are and how they love family members.

Therefore, in the absence of a family member, our pet expresses his anxiety and sadness by urinating on all sides.

Within the behavior disorder there are many more causes such as changes in the home, in the environment, pathologies … In addition, fearful dogs, few socialized, tend to have fears expressing it with urine.

It may be that you are dominant and that without realizing it you speak to your tender friend with a strong tone of voice. For this reason, it is recommended that you be honest with yourself and find out if you are a little aggressive with your pet. Aggression does not always mean physical abuse, but the way we communicate with our canid.


Although there are other reasons for our dog to urinate at home, those described in the previous sections are the most common. It is relevant to be attentive to identify which of them is and take the necessary measures.

But always remember that the best measure is preventive, that is, teach it from a puppy where to relieve itself. Therefore, we must avoid corrective measures as much as possible, especially those that involve punishment

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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