With COVID-19 close, no one touches your baby

When a baby comes into the world it is difficult to resist hugging and kissing him, everyone wants to welcome him! But now more than ever, with COVID-19 so close, it is not recommended that you allow it. Babies have an immature immune system and are more likely to get sick from any viruses or bacteria that come in contact with them. A harmless virus for an adult, for a baby can be devastating.

We are facing a reality full of masks and hand sanitizer gel, where social distance must continue to be a priority. Although we leave the house and we can move, precautions must be taken because COVID-19 is still with us and is being just as dangerous as when it first appeared.

Can’t let your guard down

In no way should you lower your guard against a possible contagion of this virus and you must protect your baby more than ever. If you go out to see family and friends or if they are going to see you at home, take extreme precautions and do not allow, under any circumstances, anyone to kiss or touch your baby. You do not know if they are asymptomatic people who could transmit the virus to your baby.

Nor should you allow your baby to be held in your arms, or to touch your hands or face. You do not know for sure who may or may not be infected, so it is necessary that you avoid any type of contact to avoid horrible consequences.

While it is true that if the person is healthy, you think there is no risk, you do not know if they can be asymptomatic. You should always use the mask when you are around, you will have to wash your hands as much as possible and use sanitizing gel often. All precautions are not enough and with a baby you have to be even more careful to protect them.

The coronavirus keeps killing

The case of Jorge is known, a premature baby who weighed 580 grams and who became infected with coronavirus, after a month of care he could be in his mother’s arms because he overcame the virus.

Although it is necessary to take into account that babies are infected and can also have complications, in fact, in the world, babies infected with coronavirus have died in recent weeks. We still do not know this virus well, nor the consequences it can leave … So it is essential that even more caution is maintained than with any other virus.

Avoid contagion

The spread of COVID-19 is too easy since with the droplets that are expelled when talking, sneezing or coughing, people are easily infected, but it can take up to 14 days before knowing if they have symptoms or not.

This causes the chain of contagion to be very large because people can interact with others without knowing that they are infected and infect others without knowing it. For this reason, close contact or kisses have a high risk of contagion and should be avoided at all costs. If someone infected touches the baby’s hands, even if they do not cough, and if the baby then puts the hands in their mouth, that is when contagion can occur.

Do not be sad

There are parents who may feel bad because they do not want to hurt the feelings of their loved ones or relatives, but it is the best way to protect the health of the baby. If you don’t want to be too direct, you can put a sign at home or in the car saying “do not touch the baby”, so that people will not be tempted to touch it and will keep their distance, thus satisfying your wishes for protection.

Don’t worry if someone thinks they are too unfriendly of you, because what really matters is that you protect the health of those you love the most in this world. If you suspect that someone in your environment may be infected even if they are asymptomatic because, for example, they work in front of the public, it is better to avoid meetings.

In addition, people who have symptoms compatible with COVID-19 must remain isolated and under medical supervision. Of course, they should not leave the house or receive visitors to avoid the massive spread of the virus. Even those who have successfully passed the virus must also be isolated for the time stipulated by health experts to avoid possible infections that can occur even without symptoms.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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