Why Happy Employee High Productivity

Do you realize that a happy heart is an extraordinary energy that can make people happy to work and create new innovations. Maybe you already know this, but often you are not consistently aware of it.

This is very important, especially for companies that have a very strong forward vision, it is necessary to ensure that their employees are happy at work, so that even though the work pressure is a lot and the targets imposed on them are also heavy, they are able to do it well even if it is not impossible at work. it is they are doing emerging new prospects.

Come on … let’s be more aware and live this successful way. The more we look at this good thing, the more we think about it and find the best way to do it, and vice versa, the more we think this is not important, the more we ignore it. There are companies that deliberately ignore this and view conflict management strategies as more effective. I do not discuss the many negative impacts of conflict management strategies on this occasion.

The fact shows that many large companies are the pride not only for many people but especially for all employees who work in these companies. Employees are happy and proud of their company. For them, coming every morning to work there is the joy of life. Wow, amazing. Why is that? Of course we all know the answer. They feel very happy working there. A happy heart makes them healthy, excited, and motivated to give their best continuously.

There are many ways to make employees feel happy at work, not just based on material and pleasure alone. Some of the ways that can be conveyed on this occasion are maybe not new but need to be done consistently:

  1. Giving confidence to employees by exposing the burden and future expectations of the company on their shoulders. Hold employee gatheringsregularly for this. Pack it with a fairfirm, but fun atmosphere .
  2. Provide opportunities for employees to provide ideas and even positive corrections on the current condition of the company for future improvements. Provide a means for this and schedule regular meetings to discuss the best ideas and spark other ideas.
  3. Giving appreciation, praise and gratitude for the best ideas and contributions of employees at the right time and consistently. Do not be late. Try at the most appropriate time. Do this consistently for every employee who contributes without discrimination.
  4. Take the time to help solve employee problems which are considered quite complicated and need to be jointly sought for solutions. Don’t just sue and blame but also help when employees have problems.
  5. Bertindak benar, tegas, dan penuh hormat atas kesalahan karyawan. Bukan hanya apresiasi tetapi juga perlu konsisten untuk bersikap benar dan tegas atas pelanggaran dan kesalahan. Bahkan jika kesalahan tersebut berakibat PHK. Namun lakukanlah itu juga dengan penuh hormat sehingga karyawan sadar akan kesalahannya dan belajar dari hal ini untuk tidak melakukannya lagi dikemudian hari di perusahaan lain. Ini pelajaran yang sangat baik bagi karyawan tersebut dan karyawan lainnya untuk bekerja hati-hati dan menghargai sikap perusahaan yang dinilai FAIRseperti orang tua kepada anaknya, bukan sekedar bos kepada anak buahnya.
  6. If the financial condition of the company is good and getting better, it is only natural to give joy and success to employees. We need to remember again that employees are the feet that support the head; employees bear and work on the target load given by the company, so it is only natural that a little success is given to employees.

The continuity of the company is very important and needs to be supported by employees who are happy to work and strong in a sense of belonging to the company itself.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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