Why doesn’t my mobile phone allow me to download or install applications;Fix

Mobile devices have evolved greatly over the years . Its growth has been quite clear and has given us the facility to perform a good number of tasks that in previous times we would never have imagined being able to do from our home. These have become our primary tool for all kinds of daily activities and actions.

But in spite of everything, sometimes we can find one or another fault quite annoying. These are normally seen in low-end or mid-range mobile devices, which do not have such high or good characteristics and specifications, therefore their performance is not the best. But don’t worry, there are always solutions for this type of problem or inconvenience .

Among the most common problems that can occur on your mobile device is the error of not being able to download and install any application to your terminal. Below we will tell you everything about this annoying situation, what it is due to and how you can quickly solve it. Read on and find out all the steps and details related to this problem.

My mobile does not allow me to download or install applications and it has space available

If you have a mobile device with an Android operating system, it is very likely that this problem may arise. As is well known, Android terminals are quite customizable and their platform itself is quite open, therefore, despite the fact that this is a great benefit, some annoying errors can also develop .

There are several reasons why we cannot download or install applications to our phone, one of the most common is a problem with the applications of the Play Store and Google Play services. Usually these problems occur when one of the 2 applications was not downloaded properly or is in an outdated version.

Another possible reason is that we have deactivated the option of unknown origins in our tool panel. This failure usually happens in case we are directly downloading an APK file from any alternative or third-party store from our web browser and then we have proceeded to install it on the device.

Another probable reason is that we do not have a good internet signal and at the time of download it simply stops or even restarts, as it is also likely that when it is about to finish it will present an error and will not let us download it. All this is due to the internet connection that we are using at that moment.

On the other hand, the operation of the mobile device may be limited or even stopped. This is normally seen in low-end or mid-range devices whose processor is not as powerful and its RAM memory is small. Due to this, it is very common for other problems to occur, whether the phone is working very slowly or they do not want to open apps.

How can I solve these problems?

In case you have an error with the applications of the Play Store and Google Play Services, the first thing we will have to do is make sure that these apps are completely updated. If this is the case and the problem persists we will have to force the stop of both apps and then clear the cache to be able to use them as new and eradicate the problem.

If you are downloading an APK from an alternative or third-party store and the mobile device does not allow you to install the application, all we will have to do is go to phone settings, search for “accessibility” and then finally from there activate the “origins” box. Unknown »to get the app installed.

When you are downloading any app, you must take into account the internet signal of the site where you are, since if we do not have a good connection it is likely that the download will be canceled or we will even end up downloading a damaged file to our mobile device which could not be downloaded in its entirety.

On the other hand it can turn out to be a temporary error . You will only have to turn off or restart your mobile so that later it can work without problems.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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