What are the best launchers for my Android device?

Currently there is a great diversity of applications that you can download on your phone of any type from games to applications that have to do with the aesthetics and design of our own device, regardless of whether it is Android or iOS we can download and use these applications.

One issue that most people and users who have Android devices attach great importance to is the appearance of the phone with respect to the operating system , and that is why they look for all kinds of applications whose purpose is to expand the ability to modify any possible design of the device, downloading themes and wallpapers to suit the person.

There are users who prefer to modify the device by giving it a type of environment of their preference, such is the case that they even decide to download themes and wallpapers that have to do with a holiday of the year such as Christmas  , and there are other people who simply want to modify the operating system of your device simply to make it look similar to the operating system of another brand, these cases usually happen with Android users who want to have a design similar to that of iPhone phones

All this with the help of different applications or launchers that can be easily found from the official Google store for Android phones known as Google Play Store that you can also download on any phone of any brand .

What are the best launchers for my Android device?

If you want to change the design of your device to be able to set it in the style of your preference, then we are going to show you which are the best launchers to customize the operating system of your Android device:

  • Nova Launcher

Nova launcher is one of the best launcher acclaimed by many users due to its simple operating system that is capable of satisfying all the needs that the user has regarding the design of the device, it also has a great variety of themes and wallpapers that you can apply on your Android smart device, with more than 50 million installations in the Google Play Store and also having a rating of 4.5 to 5 stars.

  • Smart Launcher 5

If you have a device with low resources and little performance and you want to personalize your device, Smart Launcher 5 may be the best option for you, since it is a modern and simple application that has various themes and wallpapers to personalize your device, and also this App maintains a simple launcher philosophy that is focused on low-resource devices.

  • Apex Launcher

Apex Launcher at the time managed to outperform the Nova Launcher application, but due to poor decisions made by its developers led it to lower its level and its fame, however, currently this application has had various updates that despite not exceeding Nova launcher has put it back on the market.

Most people do not seek to complicate their lives looking for the theme or wallpaper to improve the design of their Android device but they simply look for a background that can become fun for both them and the people who see it, an example of That is the broken glass wallpaper of the device , what it does is it gives a broken screen effect to make your friends or family believe that your phone has been broken.

Although it is old-fashioned, there is a small number that would like to get the best backgrounds set on this topic, and in this article we are going to show you which are the best HD broken screen backgrounds for your Android device.

The best backgrounds or HD and 3D wallpapers of broken screen for your Android or iPhone mobile

There are several very original and realistic applications in the Google Play Store that give the impression that your phone’s screen is broken that you can download for free , however the best option for this is to search for them on the Pinterest platform that has a lots of broken wallpapers for easy download


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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