Who Invented The Math;10 Facts You Must Know

Who Invented The Math.Have you ever wondered, who is the inventor of Mathematics? Who is the inventor of this field of science that is often feared by many people.Mathematics can help us to have a logical mind and improve our mindset skills sharply

. In addition, the use of algorithms in Mathematics also plays a role in the development of information and communication technology. So, without Mathematics, maybe our life would not be as easy as it is now.

Who Invented The Math.

Quoted from the Book of 100 Most Popular Scientists & Inventors in the World by the Sunrise Pictures Team, 2011, Al-Khwarizmi is a scientist who introduced science to the world of Mathematics. The full name of Al-Khwarizmi is Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi.

He was born in Khwarizm, a city located south of the Oxus River or now known as the city of Uzbekistan in 780 AD. As a child, Al-Khwarizmi moved with his parents to the southern city of Baghdad or Iraq. He died in Baghdad in 850 AD.

Al-Khwarizmi is a scientist who first discovered algebra, geometry, and arithmetic. These sciences are still widely used and studied until now. One of his theories, namely algebra, was taken from his famous book entitled Al Jabr Wa Al Muqabilah. He is also the inventor of the algorithm. Algorithms are logical steps for solving problems that are systematically and logically arranged.

In addition, Al-Khwarizmi developed details of trigonometry in the form of sine, cosine, and tangent functions as well as the concept of differentiation. The results of this discovery led him to become one of the greatest mathematicians in the world. Quoted from the MTs Islamic Cultural History Book by Slamet Fatkhuri, here are some other mathematical sciences discovered by Al-Khwarizmi.

History of Mathematical Discoveries.

In the course of the history of its discovery, Mathematics has played a role in building human civilization of all time. Around 1900 BC, the oldest Mathematics book was found entitled Plimpton 322 (Babylonian Mathematics), Rhind Mathematical Sheets (Egyptian Mathematics) which was found around 2000-1800 BC, and the Moscow Mathematics Gazette (Egyptian Mathematics) in 1890 BC. These books explain the Pythagorean theorem.

Here are some other types of Mathematics;Who Invented The Math.

1. Prehistoric Mathematics
Prehistoric mathematics is the origin of thinking mathematically about numbers and quantities. The famous mathematician in prehistory is Archimedes from the Greek era. He is a figure who wrote works on field geometry, spatial geometry, arithmetic, and mechanics.

2. Pretend Mathematics
Ancient Mathematics is divided into two types, namely Mesopotamian Mathematics and Egyptian Mathematics. Mesopotamian mathematics was developed by Mesopotamia or now better known as Iraq from the early Sumerians to the early Hellenic civilization.

While Egyptian Mathematics refers to Mathematics written in the Egyptian language. There is a very long Egyptian Mathematical inscription called the Rhind Gazzete and it was found in 1650 BC. This inscription contains a guide for Mathematics and Geometry students.

3. Greek mathematics
Greek mathematics refers more to what happened during 600 BC and was written in Greek. The form of Greek Mathematics was more complicated than the Mathematics that had been developed in earlier times. Greek mathematicians used deductive reasoning more.

4. Chinese Mathematics
Next is Chinese Mathematics. The oldest known Chinese mathematical writings are believed to be named Suan Ching, dated between 1200 BC and 1000 BC. The system used in Chinese mathematics is the seven-decimal positional notation system.

5. Indian Mathematics
The earliest Mathematical discoveries in the Indian subcontinent were the Indus Valley civilization who lived around 2600 – 1900 BC. The findings from Indian mathematics are the Brahman Shatapatha (9th century BC) and the Sulba Sutras (800-500 BC), namely geometric books containing irrational numbers, male numbers, approximations of 3, and cube roots up to hundreds of thousands.

Names of Famous Mathematicians in the World
Many famous mathematicians in the world. Reporting from the Journal of Mathematician Figures, Schools, and Their Influences, State University of Makassar, here is the list.

1. Thales (Greek, 624-646 BC)
Thales is the inventor of natural philosophy which is used to measure the height of the pyramids with the concept of space and time.

2. Pythagoras (Greek, 582-493 BC)
Known as the “Father of Numbers”. One of Pythagoras’ famous legacies is the Pythagorean theorem, which states that the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of its legs (sides). Aristotle said that Thales was the first person to think about the origin of the universe.

3. Leonhard Euler (1707-1783 AD)
Leonhard Euler was a pioneering mathematician and physicist from Switzerland. He is the founder of several important fields such as calculus and graph theory. Leonhard also introduced a lot of modern Mathematical notation and terminology, especially for Mathematical analysis, such as the concept of Mathematical functions.