Who Invented Math Formulas

Who Invented Math Formulas.Al-Khwarizmi is a scientist who contributes his greatest thoughts in mathematics. If we look at it from time to time, throughout the history of human civilization, mathematics has always been an important part in the emergence of new scientific principles. Starting from computer technology, astronomy, war strategy, communication equipment, game strategy, and many others, always use mathematics as a basic part of forming patterns. .

Who Invented Math Formulas.

Of all his works in the field of mathematics, which are very influential for human civilization, Al-Khwarizmi has been named the “Father of Mathematics”.

Al-Khwarizmi, has the full name Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi. He was born in a small town called Khawarizm which is currently known as Khiva, Uzbekistan in 780 AD. However, Western and European scientists know Al-Khwarizmi better by the name Algoritm, Algorismus, or Algorithm.

When he was small, Khwarizmi’s parents took him to an area south of Baghdad. It was in Baghdad that Al-Khwarizmi began to be passionate about studying. Until when he was a teenager, precisely during the time of the caliph Harun Al-Rashid (786-809 AD), Al-Khwarizmi was already appointed a member of Bayt Al-Hikmah which is also known as the House of Wisdom in Baghdad.

Bayt Al-Hikmah is a translation institute, scientific research center, as well as a large library founded by caliph Harun Al-Rashid. The place became a gathering space for scientists.

After the era of the Al-Rashid caliph ended and was replaced by the caliph Al-Makmun (813-833 AD), Baghdad continued to be the center of trade and science. Inheriting a love for science, Caliph Al-Makmun realized that science is the key to civilization.

Since he was first appointed as a member of Bayt Al-Hikmah, Al-Khwarizmi has worked as a scientist. There he continued to study many sciences, especially natural sciences and mathematics. During his life, Al-Khwarizmi continued to serve in the field of education and scientific research. This made him very open to sources of knowledge from anywhere, be it Greece, India, or even Rome.

Al Khwarizmi’s Discoveries in the Field of Mathematics;Who Invented Math Formulas.

  • As according to the Western mathematician, Crandz in his book entitled “The Social Al-Khwarizmi Algebra”. Cranz said that Al-Khwarizmi deserves the title “Father of Algebra” more than Diopanthus. Al-Khwarizmi was also the first to teach Algebra in elementary form. Not only that, he is also known as the founder of geometric formulas and the compiler of logarithmic lists and decimal calculations.
  • Al-Khwarizmi also popularized the use of the number 0. He was the first to explain the use of numbers, including the number 0. Now, his work in the field of arithmetic is contained in his book entitled al-Jam’ wat-Tafriq bi-Hisab al -Hind (The Book of Addition and Subtraction According to The Hindu Calculation). In it, Al-Khwarizmi explains addition and subtraction based on Hindu calculations.
  • Al-Khwarizmi introduced the use of Hindu numerals ranging from 1 to 9, and also 0. He also discusses the history of numbers. So, it was through these books by Al-Khwarizmi’s thoughts that Europeans learned to use the number 0 to make it easier for them to count multiples of 10, 100, 1000, and so on.
  • Not only Algebra, Khawarizmi also introduced the Algorithm concept, which has a huge influence on today’s technological developments. Algorithm is a science in mathematics, which teaches about logical steps in solving problems that are arranged systematically. Algorithm is also the heart of computer informatics.

So, we can learn a lot from the enthusiasm and persistence of Al-Khwarizmi, the inventor of Mathematics, in deepening his knowledge. So, are you the next Al-Khwarizmi?