Where to find weapons in Mini DayZ

Find out which places on the Mini DayZ map are more likely to find weapons.As with any survival sandbox game, you’ll want to find a weapon as soon as possible. This means that it is desirable to know exactly where to look for a particular type of weapon.

There are several types of buildings and structures in Mini DayZ , and in each of them you can find certain loot (that is, there is a high probability of finding items from a narrow list in the building). For example, residential buildings are likely to contain items such as water, food, bandages, and clothing. While large buildings such as schools may contain helmets, backpacks, and sometimes even weapons.

But if you really want to increase the chances of finding weapons, then you will need to study the map and find a military base. These massive areas are dotted with a large number of zombies, with virtually all of them capable of fast movement. Military bases are guarded by crawlers that run after you on all fours. The good news is that these enemies have low HP. And despite the fact that we do not recommend engaging in hand-to-hand combat with zombies, sometimes this is the only correct solution available to you.

When you find a military base, then approach it as carefully as possible. Unfortunately, there is no real way to indicate exactly where the military bases are, so you need to explore the entire map until you find them. After you find the base, approach it and watch out for any zombies lurking nearby. Sometimes military bases are guarded by soldiers, so be prepared to face such enemies as well.

When you are sure that the area is cleared, then slowly make your way through it and check the tents and other structures at the base. You will often find a variety of ammunition, military equipment, and even cannons scattered across tents in military areas. Small tents allow you to hide from zombies or hide from pursuit.

Military bases are by far the best place to find weapons in Mini DayZ . And if you can get to them early in the game, then your chances of finding good weapons are greatly increased. The map is randomly generated, but that means it may take you a little time to get to one of them. Check buildings, including schools and other structures to find at least some weapons and equipment.