Where to find Auger Sabbat in Scarlet Nexus

Scarlet Nexus is packed with must-have bosses that will give you what you pay for, but some of the normal mini-bosses and enemies can be hard to find and take down. If you are having trouble with the Auger Sabbat, we have some tips for you. Here’s where to find Auger Sabbat in Scarlet Nexus and how to beat him .

Where to find Auger Sabbat in Scarlet Nexus

The location of each is saved in the Library tab of the menu under the Enemies category. So if you ever need to know where to find an enemy, this is where you should check. The library will also let you know what materials this enemy drops after you have successfully defeated them at least once.

Auger Sabbat can be found in the Inside Abandoned Line area of ​​Abandoned Line 9, as well as the late game BABE entrance area within Togetsu. It’s quite difficult to miss as it will generally charge you directly with its coiled horn once it detects you.

You’ll see this Other in a few other places throughout the game, but these are guaranteed spawns. If you are looking to grow it, just quickly exit the area and then return. Auger Sabbat will have reappeared.

How to beat Auger Sabbat

Auger Sabbat is essentially the mini-boss version of the old ram-shaped enemy Sabbat, but there’s nothing to worry about if you attack it the right way.

The key to beating Auger Sabbat as Yuito uses Gemma’s sclerokinesis to protect you from her high damage. His ability will make you immune to damage for a short period of time. Like Kasane, Arashi’s hyper speed and Kyoka’s duplicated abilities are also useful for attacking quickly and removing armor.

Hit him several times on the head with your psychokinesis to break the armor surrounding the spiral horn. Once the armor is removed, your teammates will push you to attack. Aim for his head as he falls to deal heavy damage and lower his crush gauge and open him up for a Brain Crush attack.

Defensively, you’ll want to use sclerokinesis to protect herself or hyperspeed to temporarily back off when she covers the ground with a poisonous substance. Luka’s teleportation, Tsugumi’s clairvoyance, and Kagero’s invisibility are also great at avoiding his charge attacks.

That’s all you need to know where to find Auger Sabbat in Scarlet Nexus and how to beat him . Check out our in-game wiki guide for more tips, boss guides, and other general information.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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