What was the ethical league?

The Ethical League was a confederation that included ethnic communities from small towns and villages of ancient Greece, probably around 367 BCE. The Peloponnesian War triggered the formation of the League and most likely in opposition to the Achaean championship and to Macedonia. Due to the war, the group met for defense purposes and later for financial benefits. During this time of war, the ethnic League became active in defensive matters, especially against the invasion of the Roman Republic in the affairs of the Greek. Its defensive activities against the Roman republic saw its prestige and its recognition among the Greeks.

Administration of the ethical league

The ethical league included the best elites of small villages and cities consisting mainly of shepherds and peasants. A chief magistrate elected each year led the league. The elections were conducted between the federal council and the main assembly. The main assembly, in this case, consisted of men of military age. On the other hand, the federal council was a proportional proportion to the size of the population represented in the ethical league.

Administration functions

Both the main assembly and the federal council worked in the areas of economics, commerce, the army and foreign policy. The functions included precisely the formulation and implementation of laws that favored economic stability. For example, the main assembly, which included all men of military age, met twice a year to make decisions on foreign policy. Military functions included the formation and assembly of armies, the command of wars and the direction of military orders. Foreign policy included the imposition of taxes, economic regularization and the adoption of the common currency.

Fall of the etholic league

The fall of the ethnic League came with the signing of the peace treaty of Rome. Initially, the ethical league was an ally of Rome who later provoked hostility due to its invasion of Greek affairs. Therefore, the signing of the peace treaty 189 ECB brought down a new era in the Ethiopian League by becoming an allied subject of the Republic of Rome. With the signing of the treaty, the League was versatile only by name, while its prestige and influence diminished significantly.

Achievements of the ethnic championship

In the midst of the rise and fall of the ethical league he threw his victories, which were recorded as results of the league. The fundamental result was the restoration of the peace experienced for a period between 278 and 220 ECB. Peace is an equivalent of economic stability and development. Therefore, this period is attributed to prosperity, finance and economic fulfillment experienced by the League.

Legacy of the Aetolian League

Despite its fall, the Ethiopian League constituted a memorable story in Greek books, especially during the Hellenistic civilization. A historical aspect placed in its adaptability to a stable constitution. Initially, the Greek method involved force and invasion, which led to the massacre and destruction of property. However, the ethical league introduced a constitution system, which involved the use of persuasion and participation. This method has meant that the league established its course and its regime.

by Abdullah Sam
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