What to do after broxar

The famous brxa, or loss of erection during sex , is a factor that haunts many men, and severely affects even women during the act. The event can be so shameful that it can put an end to any sexual desire of both partners. In order not to lose the mood, it is important to understand what to do after broxar .

Reasons that make a man flirt

In order to understand what to do after broxar , it is important to understand the reasons that lead men to the famous broxa, so that they can help and deal more easily with the problem, directly fighting the cause of the joke, and not only the “symptom” that it is the act of broxar.

The big problem here is that there are many reasons that end up taking the man to the famous brunch, but don’t worry! Let’s list the main reasons why a man ends up flirting, and how to deal with each of these reasons in different alternative ways.

1. Nervousness makes you limp

While some people believe that this is a great myth, it is an immense truth. Nervousness really makes men, of all ages, easily relax. After all, many men are anxious, and keep thinking about how to deal with the situation.

Men, especially younger ones, have the constant mentality of having to get an erection, stay erect, and satisfy their partner first of all. The natural pressure of the event, especially for virgin men, is very high, and can make an erection extremely difficult.

The nervousness also affects many men who have already history paintbrush, fear that the incident may be repeated around constantly and ultimately results in the same trauma again, only exacerbating the cycle.

Treating this nervousness can be quite simple, oddly enough. First, relaxing and understanding that the sexual experience should be pleasurable for both of you is very important. Staying in the foreplay for a long time can be extremely satisfying to end anxiety and nervousness for both partners during sex.

Other ways to relax during the act are massages, using background music, and even understanding that penetration is only one part of sex, and that there are several other ways to give pleasure to both sides.

Men, it is important to understand that sex is a time of mutual relaxation, not needing pressure or needing to be nervous about your performance. Relax and enjoy.

2. Being drunk

There are not a few men who tend to get lazy with certain drinks, or with large amounts of alcohol in their blood. When we have alcohol in the blood, the muscle’s nerve responses are slower, and the reactions may not even occur, which is ironic, as many drunk people are more excited than normal.

Varying with alcohol levels, habit, resistance and even the type of drink, the drunk man can have several problems to have an erection or even to enjoy.

A lot of people think that alcohol can be a solution to the first problem on the list, which is nervousness, but this is not the case, and it may even cause more problems in terms of erection, so be careful not to drink too much and become lame on a night that promised a lot before.

To avoid this, always drinking water with drinks can be an excellent solution. In addition, you can eat large amounts of sugar to decrease the effect of the drink on your blood, thus guaranteeing your night out even with a certain amount of alcohol still circulating in your blood.

3. Overweight

A major problem that causes many erectile problems and few men know about is overweight. It is a simple account to be made, overweight problems cause difficulty in circulation and slow heart rate, disrupting the erection process.

With this in mind, it is important to understand that an erection is nothing more than a good part of your blood “inflating” the organ for the conception of the act. Now, imagine that you need a lot of blood and circulation for this, something that is prevented or hindered by being overweight. Get it now?

When you are overweight, the blood has a hard time getting to where it needs to be, easily causing the bruise. This solution cannot be quick, so take good care of your body and get thin, to prevent the problem or prevent it from recurring.

Here, remedies for broth can be a secondary solution, but not guaranteeing them is always a good idea. Don’t neglect health just because you have an easier alternative.

4. Health problems that can make you weak

We have already talked about psychological factors here that can cause a man’s bruising, but did you know that physiological illnesses can also result in a man’s bruising during the act? And look, there are many!

Heart problems, diabetes and multiple sclerosis are just a few valid mentions that are worth mentioning as major factors that can make you lame. These illnesses not only make it difficult to maintain an erection, but can completely block the nerve impulses that result in sexual arousal.

In other words, a big problem here will be to cause sexual arousal in the partner who has these problems, and it may be necessary medical care, even medication, to be able to conceive the act.

5. Smokers and their problems

Cigarettes cause several different ills to their smokers, mainly in active ones, but also to a certain degree in passive smokers. Among one of the many problems that cigarettes can cause, there is a great risk of circulatory problems being caused, and thus resulting in a major problem: inability to stand upright.

The broxar caused by cigarettes is exclusively physiological, and falls into the same category as the drink here. Many people find in cigarettes a temporary solution to relax and abstract, however, they are a terrible source of relaxation, which affect several other parts of their lives.

6. Hormonal problems can make you lazy

The hormone that allows and facilitates sexual arousal, consequently also facilitating the ability to have and maintain a strong and healthy erection, is the famous testosterone, popularly known as the male sex hormone.

This hormone naturally decreases with age, but many men are born with a lower production of them and do not notice, or take a long time to notice, until they research the reason for having a low libido and difficulty maintaining an erection, or they tend to flush a lot.

Symptoms of low testosterone in the body can be very noticeable, but for many go unnoticed. The main thing would be little hair on the body, which is a major factor in measuring testosterone levels.

If you suffer from, in addition to problems with erection and constantly flaring, low libido, little semen when ejaculating, hair loss and little hair growth, loss of muscle mass and fatigue, and even constant mood swings, you may have some problem related to testosterone production, or even naturally having low testosterone.

In both cases, from a problem that causes a low testosterone index or real testosterone effect, there are ways to treat it, but it is always through diagnosis.

7. Certain medications make you loosen

As strange as it may seem, there are remedies that can make a man limp. Obviously this is not intentional, but only a side effect of the drug, normally causing loss of libido, perhaps also resulting in mild circulatory problems or decreased heart rate, important factors in erection.

If you take any medication, always be aware of its side effects. If the loss of erection is listed, ask your doctor for an alternative or even a remedy to complement this flaw in the medication, to ensure that you continue to take the remedy without losing the quality of your sex life.

8. Stress can be fatal for H hour

Day-to-day stress can greatly affect performance and even the ability to feel sexually aroused. Everyday problems cause a lot of stress and we barely notice, and many think that sex is a good way to relax, but for many, stress reaches the point of being able to block sexual impulses, and thus cause laxity.

The best thing to do with stress is to have a long relaxation session, but even that can fail, and often the bruising will occur several times during the act, precisely because of stress.

It may seem similar to nervousness, but, although they are different subjects, it is worth mentioning that they are not necessarily exclusive, and can be interconnected. It is said that about 60% of the factors that result in the man flirting are at least partially psychological, if not completely.

9. The hot bath

Many people laugh when I talk about this factor, after all, the hot bath is the favorite place for many couples, especially the younger ones who love the whole situation of the bath and the like. However, the hot bath is a factor that can cause temporary ease to the thigh, especially to older men.

It’s very simple, a hot bath tends to make your blood thinner, and then hinders your body’s ability to make or maintain an erection. In addition, if you like to transform your bathroom into a sauna, it is even easier to lose your erection.

Hot air causes you to absorb less oxygen from the air, resulting in less oxygen in your blood. Thanks to these conditions, your body will prioritize blood where it needs it, and the erection is not a place of extreme emergency, thus making the blood stop circulating there a lot and be relocated.

The solution here could not be simpler, cold baths or at room temperature, preferably with the window open, are the best solutions. Apart from this solution, we also simply have to leave the bathroom before starting the act. Waiting a little while may be necessary to facilitate an erection.

10. Tiredness

It is very normal for a man to flirt because he simply does not have the energy to do anything. After all, he also gets tired with use, and sex is one of the natural activities of the human being that uses the most and requires energy, especially with longer duration.

It is no use drinking energy, coffee or anything like that. If the problem is lack of energy, you need to rest and do the act afterwards. It is impossible to escape from natural needs.

What to do after broxar

The responsibility of the brute will always fall on the man, it is inevitable, after all, there are women who think that we control our organ naturally, almost as we control an arm or a leg. But don’t worry, there are several ways to continue to have sex, even while you are drunk, and even try to rescue it halfway.

If it happens, don’t worry, just use one of the alternatives that we will present below and try to rescue halfway.

1. Have a good oral sex

For many, practicing oral sex on your partner is almost as pleasurable as receiving. After all, nothing like seeing your partner lost in pleasure, is it? The practice of oral sex on your partner can be the ideal way to put yourself back in the mood. Even if you do oral sex on her, you will take the pressure of pleasure off yourself, and you will be able to stay upright.

2. Continue a long time in the preliminaries

It is very common, if you drool, to return the preliminaries. All the warm-up that leads to sex is a great way to renew and maintain your erection to the fullest, ensuring that you can continue the act, or even do it several more times. If you come to me halfway, make sure everything goes well, just go back to the preliminaries and stay calm.

And finally, know that broxar is something extremely natural to the male body, especially with the passage of age. The proportion of men who flush at least once in their life up to 40 is up to 90%, so don’t worry about it.

Just remember to make sure you are in bed, prevented the broxar before it can even happen, and having alternatives in case it occurs even with your preventive methods.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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