What is premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation is when a man is unable to control the moment of his ejaculation, it comes involuntarily and at ” unexpected ” moments . In some cases, the most serious, it can happen even before the relationship begins or during the relationship, but right at the beginning.

The diagnosis is made according to the patient’s clinical history. When a person starts to report that, constantly, he is not able to identify exactly the moment of his ejaculation and, for this reason, he is not able to control him the diagnosis of premature ejaculation is given.

However, it is worth mentioning that enjoying once or twice earlier than expected is normal and does not mean that you suffer from this condition. The confusion really happens and, therefore, in this article we will give more depth to the subject.

How to identify real premature ejaculation?

For this problem to be posed as a disorder, premature ejaculation must happen several times. An indication that you may be ejaculating too soon is your partner’s low sexual satisfaction. Try to note the frequency of her satisfaction, if the result is negative more than half the time you are in trouble.

While men find it difficult to say the duration of sexual intercourse, women are able to easily measure the time of the act until the moment of orgasm. Thus, the female satisfaction table is used as one of the ways to distinguish the syndrome.

There is no single pattern of time to quote whether or not premature ejaculation has occurred . This understanding is very subjective and depends on each couple or person. The partner, for sure, will notice changes and will be able to point out if the ejaculation is occurring faster or not.

Men usually notice the change when the subject is already serious, for example: when ejaculation in the first seconds of penetration. And in those moments what should be a pleasurable activity for a couple ends up becoming a problem, but in the midst of all this there is good news: premature ejaculation can be treated.

Through physiological and biological analyzes of what should be normal, it is pointed out that ejaculation has two phases:

The first is when the semen is expelled from the reproductive organs to the urethra; in the second phase, the fluid is eliminated through the urethra to the urethral meatus. This second stage is that of orgasm, and with premature ejaculation all processes are very fast.

One of the causes of this evil is anxiety, it prevents the control of ejaculation from happening during the sexual act. The more the body produces adrenaline, the greater the chances of premature ejaculation , when the cases become too serious, the man may even develop erectile dysfunction.

This process happens more frequently in adolescence, when the lack of experience and the fear of the first times increase anxiety. Generally, as time goes by, young people start to have more control of the body, saying goodbye to the problem.

Our nervous system is the main control point for all these steps. This structure is responsible for controlling all our movements, whether voluntary or involuntary. When a man is anxious or nervous, the urethral sphincter, which regulates ejaculation as well as urine, relaxes and premature ejaculation occurs.

However, as we said and you probably know, adults and the elderly can also suffer from premature ejaculation . The causes for making men of this age group to face this problem, in addition to anxiety, are:

Low Blood Flow

As age increases blood flow decreases in the area of ​​the penis. If the cavernous arteries do not have good blood circulation, secondary premature ejaculation will happen frequently.

Unlike premature ejaculation primary, secondary ejaculation happens because of the difficulty of keeping the penis erect. As the erection does not happen for a long time, the path to the climax occurs more quickly, generating ejaculation out of time.

In these situations, the first step is to end the erection difficulty and then destroy the ejaculation problem for good.

As he does not have the exact time to consider an ejaculation as premature, the man needs to listen to the sincere opinion of his partner. However, when you notice that ejaculation is occurring even before the act begins, it is best not to delay to seek help. There are cases where the penis does not even completely harden and ejaculation is already present.

Some researchers believe that if, consequently, a man ejaculates in less than a minute, he is already considered as someone who suffers from premature ejaculation .

In addition to the relatively quick treatment, there is also a differentiated therapy to treat this condition. The style of the sessions varies according to the diagnosis indicated by a doctor, but in most cases it is linked to psychotherapy. Through this procedure, it is possible to identify and then control your own emotions and, consequently, ejaculation.

Your partner can also take part in some sessions. When this occurs, it is normal for communication between the couple to improve.

Hypersensitivity in the penis glans

This is another problem that can cause premature ejaculation in adult men. In these situations, in the slightest stimulation around the head of the penis, ejaculation occurs. With the aid of a biosthesiometer, doctors are able to measure the level of sensitivity in this region.

The name is scary, but the exams don’t hurt. With this procedure it is possible to identify whether hypersensitivity is the cause of the problem.

Treatment of the people

As premature ejaculation is a disorder that directly affects male self-esteem and confidence, it is normal that there are several tips for home treatment to end this disease. There is no scientific evidence in relation to them, however, we brought some for you to know.

Distraction technique

This is one of the best known and most talked about among men. It is recommended that the man try to disconnect his mind from the sexual act, thinking about another matter. When you feel that your erection is decreasing, it is time to pay attention to your partner again.

Grip technique

The man can be stimulated until he feels that ejaculation is about to happen. When this point arrives, it is necessary to tighten the end of the penis, where the glans meets the axis. And then, you need to hold it down for about 30 seconds and start over again.

Medical treatment

Anesthetic ointments: these ointments have an action that decreases sensitivity to touch, delaying the time of ejaculation. Many men achieve this same effect with special condoms.

Antidepressants: Antidepressants control anxiety which is a major cause of poor control over ejaculation.

Spray: Sprays have the same function as special condoms and ointments, reducing the sensation with the touch. However, this process can cause a strangeness resulting in a decrease in sexual performance.

Drugs for erectile dysfunction: They are indicated for cases of secondary premature ejaculation .

Premature ejaculation medications : Clomipramine and Anafranil are some examples of medications that can be prescribed by your doctor. However, as with antidepressants, this medication can cause side effects.

Natural supplements: are seen as one of the best for the end of this problem. That’s because 100% natural supplements can regulate hormone levels, ensuring the correct amount of nutrients needed by the body, in addition to improving blood circulation.

Proven natural treatment

You may have already heard about the Destroying Premature Ejaculation procedure , it is a book with a step by step on how to end unwanted ejaculation once and for all. Its author and more than 2500 customers say that the results really appear and are extremely satisfactory.

The difference with this project is that while he shies away from industrialized drugs, he also ignores the totally homemade and unproven tips, like thinking about something else while having sex.

Tips to be taken in your daily life and in the doctor’s office

Do not close your eyes to the problem: after being diagnosed do not close your eyes to the problem. Trust your doctor he is able to help you, so if he recommends treatment, at least try to do it. This will not only be good for you, it will be good for your relationships.

Don’t be ashamed: if you notice that things are changing look for a specialist. In most cases, the indicated treatment is fast, the longer you take to speak to the specialist, the longer you will suffer from this situation and it may also be that the problem develops for the worse.

Just give the necessary attention: the more worried you are about it, the more anxious you will be and we know that it only makes the situation more difficult.

Simultaneous orgasms: it’s good to keep in mind that it won’t happen every time. The ideal is for the couple to have their time, that you arrive at your time and your partner at her time.

Know yourself: having a sense of your own body and knowing how to deal with the emotions you suffer during the day is essential for the treatment to take place in the best way. Not all people can change their situation on their own, so medical assistance is very important.

Risk factors for premature ejaculation

We have already seen how premature ejaculation occurs and we already know that any man can go through it. Despite being an easy problem to solve, premature ejaculation , like any other disorder, has its risk factors. And we can’t finish this article without you knowing it.

Existing diseases

The old health history can directly interfere with premature ejaculation , especially when there are worrying medical conditions, such as inflammation and infections in the prostate region. Cardiorespiratory diseases and pelvic surgeries can interfere with ejaculation, speeding up the entire process.

Erectile Dysfunction

Men who have erectile dysfunction are more likely to develop premature ejaculation . If the man has trouble maintaining or even getting an erection, sperm release will occur earlier than expected, often before the first minute of intercourse.

The embarrassment that usually exists due to this condition also causes premature ejaculation to happen.

Too much coffee, stress and anxiety

Whether due to old sexual problems, bad situations at work or with family and friends, little money, anxiety, emotional tensions and other psychological conditions can damage the ejaculatory sequence.

In addition, excessive caffeine intake can increase the entire psychological cycle involving nervousness, anxiety, stress and others. However, you don’t have to give up your coffee altogether, excess is what is harmful to your sex life and even the rest of your health.

Changes in neurotransmitters

Changing the level of neurotransmitters such as serotonin can increase the chances of developing premature ejaculation . This is because neurotransmitters are responsible for controlling the ejaculatory system, that is, they guide the rhythm of ejaculation.

When this hormone is lower than necessary it is quite common that ejaculation happens prematurely.

Change in hormone levels

The change in hormone levels is the main biological reason for premature ejaculation , when it comes to testosterone the chances of premature ejaculation triple.

Thyroid problems are also on the list of risk factors, because thyroid hormones establish body metabolism, and when there are changes, men are more likely to experience premature ejaculation .

Use of psychotropic drugs

This is one of the biggest risk factors for the development of problems with ejaculation. The constant and exaggerated use of psychotropic drugs can be fatal for sexual purposes.

These drugs interfere with the passage of messages from the brain to the body, and this problem is the key to unwanted unexpected ejaculation.

Did you see how much information there is about premature ejaculation ? Best of all, if there is information, there is also research, and if there is research, it is because the methods for ending this evil are improving. Ejaculation problems can be treated easily, so ask for help!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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