Does premature ejaculation medicine work?

Contents [ hide ]

  • 1Remedy for premature ejaculation works?
    • 1Diagnosis of premature ejaculation
  • 2What causes premature ejaculation?
      • 0.11. Psychological problems regarding premature ejaculation
      • 0.22. If exclusively physical, hypersensitivity
    • 3Treatment and remedy for premature ejaculation
        • 0.11. Behavioral treatment
        • 0.22. Clomipramine Hydrochloride
        • 0.33. Trazodone
        • 0.44. Paroxetine
        • 0.55. Sprays based on Lidocaine or Prilocaine
      • 4Should I get a remedy for premature ejaculation?

Does premature ejaculation medicine work?

Does premature ejaculation medicine work?

One fact that haunts millions of men around the world is the so-called premature ejaculation, which occurs when a man reaches orgasm too quickly and without the slightest control of him. This can be a major problem in a man’s life, which then makes him seek a remedy for premature ejaculation as soon as possible.

But it is important to define whether treatments or a remedy for premature ejaculation will really work, as each case of premature ejaculation occurs for a reason, and, like other types of problems, can be a problem of physiological, psychological origin or even a fusion of both factors that caused premature ejaculation.

In addition, the very condition of developing or perceiving premature ejaculation can already cause certain problems, leading the man to intense stress, especially when he refuses to do any treatment or take a medicine for premature ejaculation .

So today we are going to take a look at the causes, and talk about the main and most effective treatments and even if there is any remedy for premature ejaculation to be treated as quickly and effectively as possible.

Diagnosis of premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is based on a simple symptom, the man ejaculating too early during sexual intercourse or foreplay.

To get a complete and accurate diagnosis, the doctor of your choice will need the smallest details of your sex life, so be very open and frank in your answers, because the more information, the more accurate your doctor’s help will be, and the more effective the recommendation of a remedy for premature ejaculation .

However, if your doctor finds no problem with just your sexual history, he may possibly order some tests to try to identify another cause.

There are also cases of men who, out of nervousness about wanting to be more sexually potent, go to doctors thinking they have premature ejaculation, while they are really only very anxious about their performance, making them think that they always come too soon.

That is why it is very important, before starting to seek a remedy for premature ejaculation , to always seek medical recommendations, and not to take anything that your doctor says not to take, as this can hinder treatment or even aggravate the problem. Following medical guidelines, the treatment will be very smooth.

Premature ejaculation is not expected to last for long periods of a person’s life, especially when he has not been present since the beginning of his sexual activity. However, enduring cases are not at all uncommon, and may last until the person seeks treatment for the problem.

The response to treatments and a remedy for premature ejaculation changes a lot from person to person. In some people, the effects are almost immediate, while for others the treatment only begins to take effect after a long time of using the drugs. So it is important to stay on treatment, even for a long time without it.

What causes premature ejaculation?

Unlike certain problems in our body, which we can take preventive actions to not develop the pathology, there is no way to prevent premature ejaculation. This is because its main causes are at least partially or purely psychological.

It is very rare for premature ejaculation to be a purely physical problem, but we will not exclude any of the possibilities of treatment, and we will also talk about the case of this problem being only a physiological factor.

1. Psychological problems regarding premature ejaculation

To a strained relationship between psychological and emotional problems and premature ejaculation. In a simplified way, both can cause and aggravate each other. Let’s go into that a little deeper.

It has been proven that problems in diagnosed mental and emotional faculties, such as problems related to stress, depression and several other factors that directly affect mental and emotional health can cause or worsen premature ejaculation considerably.

In the meantime, premature ejaculation itself can be a major stressor in a man’s life, and can leave him prone to developing psychological problems, but not necessarily being a direct cause of them.

If premature ejaculation appeared late in a man’s life, it is very common that the cause was psychological, resulting perhaps from trauma related to sexual life, or it may be due to unrelated things, such as problems in relationships or in accumulating professional life. enough stress to affect the man’s physique.

When the cause is a diagnosable and treated mental problem, there is no better cure for premature ejaculation than treating the source of the problem. This way, you will prevent the problem from returning too, after all, you are treating the cause instead of just a symptom.

Psychological treatment should always be with a specialist, and the medications he recommends. It is always important to mention premature ejaculation to ensure that this obstacle is also counted in the treatment.

2. If exclusively physical, hypersensitivity

We said earlier that there are cases where premature ejaculation is very common as a reflection of psychological and physical problems as a whole, but that there are cases where the problem is exclusively physical. The most seen case is when the man suffers from hypersensitivity in the sexual organ, due to the natural conditions of the body itself.

Hypersensitivity is extremely more common than it seems, but it decreases over the years, which also helps in any treatment or remedy for premature ejaculation.

Normally, men affected by premature ejaculation due to hypersensitivity tend not to have undergone the optional circumcision surgery at birth. This surgery is known to decrease the organ’s sensitivity, while protecting it from a few physiological pathologies that can affect the site.

However, having this surgery later in life is not recommended, unless it is a medical necessity. This is because the loss of sensation can cause the man to have extreme difficulties to feel sexual pleasure or even have to take medications to maintain his erection and be able to reach orgasm.

So, if it is exclusively a physiological problem, there is a very practical remedy for premature ejaculation : creams that remove part of the sensitivity of the sexual organ, allowing the man to last longer during the entire act.

Treatment and Remedy for Premature Ejaculation

A different series of treatments are available, with or without a remedy for premature ejaculation. Today we are going to present these treatments and talk about the remedies with greater proven effectiveness for the treatment of premature ejaculation.

1. Behavioral treatment

The treatment technique most used immediately is the behavioral treatment called the “squeeze technique”. This technique is extremely simple, when a man is close to reaching orgasm, he interrupts the act and he or his partner squeezes the head of the penis between the thumb and two fingers, just below the head.

This pressure is then fixed for about 20 seconds, and then the sexual intercourse is continued afterwards, repeating the act whenever necessary. This technique is extremely simple, used a lot by those who know it, and the man eventually learns to hold ejaculation without the need to squeeze the penis.

2. Clomipramine Hydrochloride

This medicine, popularly known as Clomipramine, is an antidepressant, more specifically the first antidepressant discovered. Initially it was used for all types of existing depression, then it was separated to be used mainly in cases related to phobias, anxiety and stress.

After many tests, it was found that this remedy is also effective for the treatment of premature ejaculation, especially when it is related to the case of mental pathologies, such as depression and anxiety.

However, this remedy for premature ejaculation is rarely recommended for a very simple reason, it has a number of strong side effects.

There is an immense list of side effects for this remedy, ranging from simple effects like vertigo, fatigue and drowsiness and going to serious problems like memory deficit, glaucoma, depersonalization, delusions and even hallucinations in older patients, so it is only recommended in extreme cases of depression.

Precisely because of its series of side effects, this remedy is only used to treat more extreme cases of depression, not being used much as a remedy for premature ejaculation.

3. Trazodone

A well-known remedy for the treatment of mental depression and anxiety is trazodone, which, unlike Clomipramine Hydrochloride, is a much less aggressive remedy in terms of side effects.

Its clinical application is mainly for when the patient has psychological problems related to stress, anxiety, tension or even trauma that went through childhood and adolescence and progressed into adulthood.

However, it is not uncommon to be prescribed for when the patient needs to treat premature ejaculation, as its side effects are quite mild compared to other remedies for treating pathologies of the mental faculty.

Its main side effects include dizziness, nausea, dry mouth and an unpleasant taste in the mouth occasionally, but its main and most felt effect is drowsiness, so it is perfect for men who suffer from both insomnia and premature ejaculation, and is recommended to always be taken before bedtime.

However, even though it is milder to the user than Clomipramine Hydrochloride, it should not be taken without a prescription, as it is not recommended for a number of patients who have problems such as hypertension, heart problems and liver problems.

In addition, patients who are taking this medication should not be nervous expecting immediate effects, as the effects of the medication begin to appear between two weeks and thirty days of treatment. Likewise, exceeding the dosage or interrupting treatment without medical consultation is also not recommended for any patient.

4. Paroxetine

Paroxetine and its alternatives, such as Fluoxetine and Anxiolytics, are also antidepressant and anxiolytic drugs that help in the treatment of premature ejaculation in a different way from other medicines.

Premature ejaculation is often caused by the anxiety of wanting to perform better in sex, and failing, or even suffering from impotence occasionally, and unconsciously making a man come quickly so as not to run the risk of loosening during sex .

In these cases, anxiolytic drugs help to control the patient’s anxiety, ensuring that he is thus able to better control the desire to ejaculate, and does not suffer from premature ejaculation.

The main difference here is that any drug for premature ejaculation in this class has a much smoother functioning. The sale of these drugs is also controlled, also requiring a prescription to be consumed, but being easier to be purchased by the user.

This remedy is the most recommended when the user has only the problem of premature ejaculation and wants a remedy without many side effects, because his emotional control is an advantage to treat the pathology as well, thus, a remedy for premature ejaculation quite consumed.

5. Sprays based on Lidocaine or Prilocaine

remedy for premature ejaculation different from the others, which is used in spray, has already been mentioned here . These sprays work as a local anesthetic that must be applied on the penis, decreasing the sensitivity of the same, and consequently, delaying the individual’s ejaculation.

It is important to check that none of the individuals who will practice the relationship are allergic to the product before, but if they are not, it is an excellent and immediate remedy for premature ejaculation , without contraindications, and with the only side effect being to be able to decrease the pleasure during the relationship sexual.

Should I get a remedy for premature ejaculation?

If you are uncomfortable with your accelerated ejaculation, the ideal is to seek a solution as soon as possible to the stress of the situation, not only make it worse, and the treatment is as effective as possible, and while you are looking for a doctor, you can get the sprays decrease sensitivity to start treatment effectively.

Always remember, before taking any medication, consult the doctor to see your need and what will be the best medication to take, after all, the side effects can be worse than the treatment, if you take without the right medical prescription .


by Abdullah Sam
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