What is Value Added Service?

If you’ve ever seen a broadband or cellular bill, you’ve certainly seen some odd items itemized on the bill. They are probably the SVAs , services that are usually included by operators in service plans and can be an interesting benefit.

What is Value Added Service?

SVA is an acronym for Value Added Service or Value Added Service . These are products that can be contracted separately or are already included in fixed broadband (SCM), mobile telephony (SMP) or fixed telephony (STFC) plans.

According to Anatel’s definition, a Value Added Service (SVA) is an “activity that adds, to a telecommunications service that supports it and with which it is not confused, new utilities related to access, storage, presentation, movement or retrieval. of information”.

SVAs are usually related to digital content , such as reading apps, streaming video or music, online courses, or cloud services.

Types of SVAs

There are several types of SVAs available in the market. Here are some categories and examples:

  • Video or audio streaming: Netflix, Deezer, Paramount+, HBO Max, Claro Musica, Claro Video, Vivo Play, Oi Play, Looke etc
  • Reading and audiobooks: GoRead, Skeelo, Bancah!, Hube, TIM Banca Virtual, Oi Leitura, Oi Jornals, Claro Banca, Audiobooks, Ubook, Supercomics etc.
  • Health and wellness: BTFIT, Bittrainers, Atma, Fluid etc
  • Cloud and security: McAfee, Vivo Protege, Hero, TIM Digital Security etc

Why operators adopt SVA?

There are two good reasons for operators to adopt SVAs. The first is that the incorporation of paid applications in the service plan can attract new consumers and retain existing customers. When comparing different competitors, it is natural for the interested party to choose the option that delivers the most benefits.

For the operator, the incorporation of SVAs in the service plans is part of a tax strategy . Telecommunications products are taxed with ICMS, a state tax that can reach 18%; additional services are charged with ISS, municipal tax with a maximum rate of 5%.

As the SVAs are detailed in the invoice, operators pay less taxes on telecommunications, since the amount referring to telephony or broadband is less than the total of the plan.

Can I withdraw an SVA from my plan?

Yup. Operators such as Claro, TIM, Oi and Vivo have versions of the plans without the inclusion of SVAs. However, monthly fees usually don’t get cheaper, as the company may charge the full amount for telecom services.