Do you know how they brush their teeth? It may seem like an obvious question when it comes to such an everyday task. However, brushing your teeth daily doesn’t have to be the same as knowing how to brush your teeth properly. For this reason, today we are going to give you some tips so that you can say openly that you do know how to brush your teeth correctly. Are you ready?

When brushing your teeth, dentists advise dividing your mouth into four areas: right / left / up / down. Brushing should begin in the upper right area, continue with the upper left. And then start with the lower left sector and end with the lower right area. In this way, we will have the security of having passed the toothbrush over all the teeth.

How much time should you spend brushing your teeth?

As important as brushing all the teeth well is dedicating the necessary time. Thus, experts recommend brushing each area for 30 seconds. In this way, a correct tooth brushing will last no less than two minutes. And so, every time you brush your teeth, which as you already know is every time you eat.

Correct way to brush your teeth

For a correct brushing, as important as the duration of brushing or passing the brush over the entire teeth is to have a correct technique. The proper way to pass the brush through the tooth is to go from the gum to the tooth and not the other way around, with short movements in a vertical or circular direction. Never horizontally!

And after brushing your teeth, pass the brush over your tongue, from back to front; and then the palate.

What if you have braces or another type of orthodontics?

If you have braces or your children have them, brushing their teeth is even more necessary, as food tends to stay between the irons.

  1. In this case, before starting to brush, it is important to rinse your mouth vigorously to help remove food debris.
  2. And then, start brushing in the way we have told you before, paying special attention to the area between the gum and the bracket, since that is where most of the food stays.
  3. To help with a complete cleaning, use interdental brushes, perfect for cleaning the teeth with these types of treatments.

What role does toothpaste play in proper brushing?

When it comes to brushing your teeth, you have to choose the toothpaste that best suits your needs and those of your teeth. In terms of quantity, you don’t need to use a lot of product, the size of a pea is enough. Otherwise, you run the risk of ingesting it, which can be bad for your health, due to the fluoride it contains.

Dental floss and mouthwashes are they effective in a correct brushing?

Each one with its function, they are important for a deep oral hygiene. But in no case should they be a substitute for brushing your teeth. Thus, dental floss is essential to clean between the teeth and the mouthwash is important to complete the total disinfection of the mouth.

After brushing, don’t forget to rinse the brush under water and let it dry until the next use.

If you follow our advice, you can boast of having clean and healthy teeth. But if you also want them to be whiter, here are some home remedies to whiten your teeth .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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