How to remove tartar from teeth

How to remove tartar from teeth ?

As with most things in life, the answer to this question is “it depends.” For some people their teeth will never get dirty enough to worry about tartar buildup. Others may need extra care and diligence due to certain medical conditions such as diabetes or kidney problems which can cause tooth decay due to anemia due to too many blood transfusions during surgery preparation careers where patients used to come made adrenaline injections against their will after being held captive by criminals until police arrive at the scene (not cool).
The biggest factor affecting how quickly we acquire new dental problems?

Age: Younger people generally brush less often but have fewer problems than those over 40 who end up with more cavities

Tartar is one of the most common annoyances in a dental office. Letting tartar settle on your teeth can be harmful.

Tartar is a calcified deposit made up of saliva, mineral salts, dental plaque, food fragments.


Tartar forms due to poor oral hygiene. Food residues settle and are immediately attacked by bacteria and this generates the formation of plaque. In less than 24 hours, the plaque calcifies, giving rise to tartar.

Tartar deposits can be: subgingival and supragingival.

– Subgingival tartar is located below the gum. It is not visible to the naked eye and is among the causes of periodontitis.

– Supragingival tartar surrounds the gumline.

How to remove tartar from teeth

Natural remedies can also be used to remove tartar from the teeth. However, a dentist is usually required.

If you want to do it at home, you can use vegetable oils.

  • Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil

Indicated for disinfecting the oral cavity and ensuring adequate cleaning.

  • Sesame oil

Sesame oil

Useful for rinsing.

  • Sodium bicarbonate

Baking soda is useful for eliminating plaque and tartar. In fact, it aims at the removal of harmful acids and fights the spread of bacteria.

  • Activated carbon

Another effective remedy consists in the use of activated carbon. It is ideal for whitening teeth and preventing plaque build-up. Just brush your teeth with activated charcoal for a couple of minutes and then rinse thoroughly. Make sure the product is of plant origin.

Intensifying oral hygiene, using dental floss, rinsing many with mouthwash and oils, are among the most effective solutions to soften tartar.

Relying on the dentist to remove the tartar

Tartar, having a not indifferent adhesive power, can only be removed with the help of the dentist by ablation of tartar, or scaling (dental cleaning). Cleaning sessions should be carried out every 6/9 months maximum.

  • Scaling

Scaling performed with mechanical instruments is the most common procedure for cleaning teeth. Although lately we resort to ultrasound, given their effectiveness and absence of pain.

  • The ultrasounds

The ultrasound method can remove all the tartar in one or two sessions at the most.

But what are the main pathologies caused by tartar?

  • Inflammation of the gums

The gums bleed and gingivitis can occur.

  • Caries

This pathology begins below the plaque until it perforates the enamel and reaches the dentin and pulp of the tooth. It can lead to the formation of apical periodontitis, abscesses, cysts and granulomas.

  • Halitosis
  • Periodontitis

Periodontitis is a disease that causes the destruction of the tissues that support the tooth and can therefore cause the teeth to fall out.


To prevent the formation of tartar, it is necessary to engage in correct and constant oral hygiene sessions. Brush your teeth after meals and floss.

by Abdullah Sam
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