How to remove herpes

= How to get rid of herpes. There are many treatments available that can fight the infection, but the virus is never eradicated. Herpes remains silent in the body kept in check by the immune system.

There are two types of Herpes virus: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 is usually very mild, while type 2 can cause serious illness in people who are not immune; these diseases were historically known as ‘incurable’ because there was nothing we could do for them other than relieve symptoms such as a sore throat or cold sores. However progress has recently been made by scientists who have found ways around this dilemma by vaccinating against the DNA strand of the infection which provides protection from both occurrences – preventing the onset entirely AND the outbreak over a period of time. of active infection at any time! This advance has enabled doctors to successfully treat patients in pain.

So getting rid of herpes is not really a feasible thing. If anything, prevention would seem to be the best cure.

How to get rid of herpes

Therefore, our immune system must be efficient and active.
You need to make some improvements in your habits, abandoning the vices for a healthy lifestyle.

For example, people who play sports or exercise regularly are less susceptible to infection.
In fact, sport is a powerful medicine against stress, it helps to relax and strengthens the body’s defenses.

Nutrition also helps. Just take the right doses of vitamins and minerals, vitamin C, magnesium and iron.
Foods indicated for the efficiency of the immune system are citrus fruits, algae, echinacea and products such as honey, royal jelly and propolis.
Meat, fish and dairy products must not be missing
In addition to improving your habits, it is important to avoid sharing common objects such as lip balms, make-up products, towels etc.

How to remove herpes: tips

If the preventive approach fails, therapies and treatments should be considered.
Medicines can relieve symptoms but cannot do anything against the virus.
In the case of herpes labialis after about a week there is a complete resolution of the symptoms. The situation is more complicated for Saint Anthony’s fire which, if not properly treated, can pose serious health risks.

Pharmacological therapy

There are many medicines to speed up “healing” and avoid complications:

  • Creams based on zinc and / or heparin: they decrease the duration of the rash.
  • Antiviral drugs: can be used to speed up resolution of the infection.
  • Interferon: can be used against herpetic infections.
  • Immunostimulants: if there is a real deficit of the immune defenses.
  • Vaccines.

Natural remedies

In cases where the infection is not particularly serious, it may be useful to resort to some natural remedies:

  • Propolis, a product with antimicrobial and disinfectant properties.

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  • Tea tree oil essential oil, with germicidal and anti-inflammatory properties.

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  • Echinacea, antiviral and immunostimulating properties.

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  • Aloe, healing, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating.

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Useful tips

When symptoms are particularly intense, some benefit can be obtained by following these tips:

  • In case of severe itching and pain, it may be helpful to take pain relieving medications.
  • In case of cold sores, the symptoms can be relieved with specific protective creams or lip sticks.
  • Keep the affected area clean and dry and, if necessary, protect it with sterile gauze.
  • Use underwear and clothes of natural fibers.
by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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