How to remove lice

How to remove lice. Head lice are tiny insects that live on the human scalp. They are passed on through close contact. Today we will see how to remove lice , what they are and the remedies to eliminate them.Head lice are mainly concentrated on the nape of the neck and behind the ears. The small eggs look like grains of dandruff but instead of falling out easily, they remain strongly anchored to the hair.

The warm, humid and dark habitat of the scalp provides an ideal breeding environment.They can survive for up to 30 days on humans, while eggs for more than 2 weeks.They cause intense itching, and unlike body lice, head lice are not linked to the spread of other diseases.Head lice can NOT be generated due to poor hygiene, but transmission can also occur by indirect contact through the exchange of personal belongings.

It is impossible to be infested with animal lice, as the infestation is species-specific (each species has its own lice).


The most common symptoms are:

  • intense itching,
  • small red bumps on the scalp, neck and shoulders,
  • presence of small white dots (eggs, or nits) on the bottom of each hair.

Head lice can be difficult to see, you need to look closely. Use disposable gloves and look in bright light.

The parasites lay their eggs by attaching them to the hair shaft (or hairs). The eggs are light in color, with a pine nut shape and about 1 mm in size. The eggs hatch 7 days after laying.

The remedies to remove lice

How to remove lice. The first step consists in choosing the product and taking advice from the pharmacist; among the preparations for topical use, shampoos, creams, gels or foams are to be preferred.

The instructions for use on the products must be strictly followed.

In Italy, most anti-lice medicines are marketed without a prescription.

An anti-lice compound is considered good if it is able to eliminate both nits (eggs) and nymphs and adult lice or if it has a pediculocidal and ovicidal activity together.

How to remove lice

  • Natural pyrethrins

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Esters (chemical compounds derived from the union of an alcohol molecule and an acid molecule) which are extracted from pyrethrum, obtained from the flowers of some species of Chrisantemum. These substances kill the louse as they are neurotoxic to the parasite’s nervous system.

  • Pyrethroids

Pyrethroids, synthetic pyrethrins, are equal in effectiveness to natural pyrethrins, however they have a longer action over time.Pyrethroids in general can cause local irritation and itching.

  • Malathion

Finally we have the malathion. It causes the respiratory paralysis of the louse. Its side effects are more pronounced than pyrethrins, in fact it can cause sweating, hypersalivation and intestinal hypermobility.

If lice infestations prove very resistant, the doctor may decide to prescribe products for oral use.

  • Natural products

Some essential oils such as thyme:

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and coconut have antimicrobial and insecticidal properties proven by in vitro tests. One study found that a blend of anise, coconut and ylang-ylang had a higher pediculocidal effect than malathion.

How to remove lice from hair

Remember that it is very important to remove the nits after applying the product.

Start by rubbing the olive oil into your hair or run the metal comb through the beeswax. Also useful is the use of apple cider vinegar, which dissolves the keratin that the parasite uses to attach itself to the hair.
Very fine-toothed metal combs are ideal.

Wash all clothes and bedding in hot water with detergent. Repeat the procedure with the comb after 7-10 days, which is the incubation time of the eggs.


Continuous monitoring is necessary, especially on children; it is also very useful:

  • comb often with very thick-toothed combs;
  • scrupulously wash everything that came into contact with the affected person;
  • monitor family members closely;
  • it is useless to treat in advance the subjects who have not yet contracted the parasites;
  • Never share hairbrushes, combs, hair accessories, hats, bedding, towels, or clothing with someone who has head lice.

A scrupulous and frequent cleaning of carpets and all other surfaces in schools and children’s centers prevents the spread of all types of disease, including lice.