Alone as an aperitif, with pickles, in banderillas, stuffed with anchovies, black … we think we know everything about them, but few really know the nutritional value that these small fruits hide. And it is that the properties of olives are many, very varied and that they represent a great benefit for health. Of course, as long as they are consumed in moderation.

If you are one of the fans of olives in all their variants, today’s post is going to interest you, as we have detailed all the nutritional properties of the olive fruit. Are you going to miss it?

Properties and benefits of olives

  • One of the most outstanding nutritional properties of olives is their high fat content : 30% in black olives and 15% in green ones, which explains why one of the properties of black olives is their caloric value.
  • Another of the most outstanding properties of olives is a high percentage of oleic acid , a very beneficial nutrient for the heart, as it helps reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.
  • In addition, olives are rich in fiber , so important for the proper functioning of the digestive system.
  • Olives are also a detox food , which means that their antioxidants act directly on the free radicals that accumulate in the body. If you take olives optimally, they will help your body eliminate all the toxins that are the cause of many diseases.

But what benefits do these properties translate into?

Prevents cardiovascular diseases

One of the properties of black olives is that they have a high percentage of antioxidant nutrients, which help prevent fat from accumulating in the arteries and making it difficult for cholesterol to appear. Also, this variety of olives contains monounsaturated fats, very healthy and that also increase good cholesterol.

As if that weren’t enough, this type of fat also helps lower blood pressure, which makes olives a perfect food for hypertensive people.

Satiating effect

Many weight loss diets recommend eliminating olives, however, taken in just the right measure, olives can help control weight. How? Olives have a powerful satiating effect because monounsaturated fatty acids slow down the digestion process and stimulate cholecystokinin, a hormone that sends the message of satiety to the brain.

Iron fountain

Another of the properties of the most valued black olives is that they are rich in iron, which helps the red cells to transport oxygen throughout the body. For this reason, when we suffer from anemia, one of the best known symptoms is feeling weak, and this is because the body’s tissues do not receive the amount of oxygen they should.

For this reason, about 10 olives a day can be a very important “energy boost” for health.

Improve vision

Scientific studies support that a cup of olives contains ten percent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin A, which is a vitamin that is essential for the enjoyment of correct vision and also helps prevent the formation of cataracts.

Fight constipation

As we have said before, one of the properties of green and black olives is that they are rich in fiber, which helps food move easily through the intestine without it having to work too hard.

Now that you know that one of your favorite foods also helps you take care of yourself, surely you are thinking about different ways of eating olives. Alone, in salad … and also as an ingredient in dishes such as paella, salad, and focaccia! We remind you how a focaccia is made with black olives in the traditional way.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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