What is the best dog food?

One issue that all caregivers are concerned about is the dog’s diet . Quite simply, on many occasions we do not know what is the most suitable for our animal. And it is not uncommon for us to observe people wondering if the best thing for their dog is homemade food or that of industrial manufacture, the latter in turn sold in specialized stores.

When it comes to industrially produced dog food , the confusion is reproduced as there is a wide variety of products on the market, such as sausage casings, dry feed, canned and semi-humid foods, pate etc. So knowing which is the best food for dogs becomes quite a complicated task, since the choice is not reduced to the simple dilemma “homemade food or special food”, but is a “polyilema”: “homemade food or dry feed or food canned or … »

In any case, if we have doubts, we can go to a canine nutrition specialist or consult our veterinarian. They will undoubtedly advise us on the most beneficial food for our dog, they will even agree, like the rest of the professionals in the sector, that the food of choice is commercially prepared, also called balanced food, because it provides all the nutrients that the dog needs in each stage of his life.

I think for dogs. The food of choice

Consequently, it is best to feed our friend with prepared meals, which include the nutrients that the animal needs. Also, many of these foods are adapted to specific types of dogs, either by size, age, breed, hair type, etc. On the other hand, the healthiness of the food is not enough, since there is another equally important factor, namely, our dog must like it, otherwise we will waste the money. Therefore, when choosing our dog’s diet, we must take into account three factors: that it is nutritious, balanced and that it is tasty or palatable.

Special feed: diets

The industry has notably specialized in this sector, to the point of marketing feed especially suitable for dogs with high sensitivity to many foods, it is done through hypoallergenic materials and there is no doubt that it is extremely useful in those dogs that may present some type of intolerance. Without forgetting the extensive range of feed for canids of veterinary prescription: dogs with digestive problems, liver, kidney failure …

Feed or food for reproduction

From the point of view of reproduction , foods are also manufactured especially suitable for both pregnant females and their future offspring.

We can conclude that the extensive range of preparations intended to meet the nutritional needs of the dog are very varied and increasingly sophisticated, there is no doubt that research continues in order to achieve the welfare of the animal.

by Abdullah Sam
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