10 Tips For Dog Adoption

The first thing we must consider when adopting a dog is to bear in mind that there are hundreds of dog breeds: long-haired, short-haired, large, small, medium-sized dogs. It is important to think about what space we have to house the dog, since if we live in an apartment or in a flat with smaller dimensions, it is best to acquire a small-sized copy, the coexistence will be more harmonious and will benefit the animal, keep in mind that many require a good space to exercise. If, on the contrary, we have a spacious plot, we can adopt larger breeds, even more than one puppy.

It is also necessary to take into consideration for the choice or adoption of the dog, the type of coat that the animal has, some require periodic maintenance to keep it in optimal conditions, it is essential to weigh this item so as not to have surprises and to know science It is certain that opting for this type of specimen means sacrificing a part of our time to use it in the periodic brushing of the canid or, failing that, taking it to a dog groomer, with which we will have to allocate a portion of our budget for this purpose.

Adoption of purebred or crossbred dogs

If we decide to adopt a purebred dog, we will have the advantage of knowing the characteristics of the canid, its behavior, common pathologies in the breed, etc .; In addition, they will provide us with all the documentation of the dog, highlighting the pedigree or document that proves the purity of the animal, in that document its ancestors are reflected, including the awards that its ancestors have been able to get. This type of animal is easily acquired in specialized animal stores or in breeders specialized in breeding dogs, of course, its adoption carries a cost. There is no doubt that if we are going to use the dog for breeding or to expose it in dog shows, it is the best option to ensure that both the canid and its future offspring will have the morphological requirements demanded by its standard.

If we do not want to defray the cost of buying and selling a dog, the best option is the adoption of a crossbreed dog, its acquisition is easy, simply browsing specialized press in classified ads or going to any shelter about dog adoption, it is enough to that we found a homeless dog willing to transfer it without any kind of financial consideration. Although it is advisable to ask if there is any information about their origin, what the parents are like, what use the previous owner gave them; All these factors are essential to know a little more about its life and mainly to make sure that it will be a good pet and that it will not pose any type of behavior problems.

Considerations to keep in mind before adopting a dog

If we have decided to acquire or adopt a dog, it is necessary, before its acquisition, to ask ourselves some preliminary questions, since there is no doubt that the adoption of the dog will represent a substantial change in our lives:

  1. a) Consult with the whole family our intention to host a dog in the house; it is very important a prior consultation and that everyone agrees on the adoption; Note that a dog is a living being and as such will need space to function in its daily life. If a family member does not like their presence, it may be the subject of dispute or unbalanced coexistence in the family environment and in the short term it will lead to the abandonment of the animal, with the negative and tragic consequences that this type of behavior entails in the dog.
  2. b) We also have to weigh where our future dog will stay in summer periods, if we can take it with us or, on the contrary, if we have a family member who can take care of the dog in our absence; Also, if our budget allows us to cover the costs of a hostel for your stay during the duration of the holidays and in the case of discarding the aforementioned options.
  3. c) On the other hand, its maintenance also requires a new budget item, keep in mind that it will require veterinary visits, a balanced diet, accessories, etc., it is important to take into account this extra expense to avoid surprises that negatively affect the puppy .
  4. d) Rule out that any family member has an allergy to dogs, it is best to be in contact with a dog to check if we have any type of allergic reaction.
  5. e) The distribution of tasks in the maintenance of the dog, without a doubt the collaboration of the whole family is essential to avoid the typical disputes that usually occur in the distribution of tasks. Above all, the daily walks that every dog ​​needs to exercise or evacuate their stools.
  6. f) The choice of the appropriate canid, large or small size, long or short hair, all depending on the time we can dedicate daily and the space we have for its accommodation.

Once all the above has been considered, we will be able to adopt the puppy; There is no doubt that all these preliminary approaches are important and, if taken into account, would mean a considerable decrease in terms of the tragic abandonments of pets that unfortunately occur every year, increasing mainly after the arrival of the holidays.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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