What is INTERNSHIP and how to do

A good career is the dream of every college student  How is it that after the end of college, you should choose a career that not only has your intellectual development but also your economic development and also your passion.

But in this era of competition, just book knowledge is not enough  In this era of internet and technology, you will find very little in the syllabus of the college about the skills that companies require in their employees. Every company wants that the student to whom he hires not only has knowledge of modern technology as well as practical experience in it.
According to a survey, if a student has practical experience, his chances of getting hired by the company increase by 50%. This means that if you have experience then you can get a better job. Now the question is, how to get experience without job then the answer is internship.
An internship is an experience in which you go to a company for 2 to 6 months to work on real projects under the supervision of a mentor and acquire practical skills. During the internship, not only do you understand the practical application of your technical knowledge but also acquire a lot of soft skills. For example, if you work in a corporate environment in some way, how do you work in a team, how do you communicate, you learn a lot of new skills that you could not learn in a class room. Many companies nowadays also give interns a fixed monthly allowance so that you become self-sufficient.

In this era of social media and internet, the trend of internships is moving very fast. Apply for an internship during the summer holidays and give a new direction to your career. A great internship will not only take you closer to your dream job but will also give new friends network and a lot of confidence. An internship is a program for a fixed time period in a related field of study. This is usually done by college or university students. Program in the Internet is also used to obtain practical information about work in the field related to study. Internship program is for starting a career in that field, having experience and interest in a related field, at the end of the course or at the end of the semester. This proved to be helpful in creating a network for a career in a particular field and establishing relationships with people in the relevant field.

In this way, the internship is conducted both paid and unpaid. In paid internship, a fixed fixed amount is given as salary by the industry or the concerned institution. Amounts not paid in unpaid internships.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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