What Is Driveway

We see them every day walking or driving on the streets, and – perhaps – we often wonder how to get one and what rights it can confer.

We speak of course of the driveway , a very important right for those who own a room or a garage at street level, because it allows you not to give the opportunity to park in front of your property.

However, before jumping to conclusions too hasty, it is good to introduce in the lines below that there are some things that you should know in order to properly use the driveway. Let’s see them together, focusing in particular on the request methods.

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What is the driveway

How to request the driveway

What are the dimensions of the driveway

What are the constraints for obtaining a driveway

How long does it take to get to the driveway

What is the driveway

Let’s start with the basics. The driveway , or driveway , is an outlet to a private area on the road (public passage). Traditionally, this is an outlet determined by the presence of a room or a garage: private accesses on public roads which, precisely in order to be enjoyed comfortably and correctly, require that no one be able to park in front of you.

How to request the driveway

All citizens residing in Italy can request the driveway , in order to make access to public life private, according to the requirements set out in the Highway Code (art.22).

The concession of the driveway is the responsibility of the Municipality, upon explicit request that must be presented by the owner of the property. Therefore, tenants or those who have the premises or private property under concession cannot apply for it – by way of example.

When the driveway, as often happens, is requested for a condominium, the request can be forwarded directly by the property administrator who has the legal representation.

Having clarified this, the application for obtaining the driveway must be submitted to the Building Service (Acceptance Office) of the municipality where the property is located. As regards the request for authorization on roads that are not municipal, the application must be filed with the competent office at Anas or at the province (depending on the ownership of the road, state or provincial).

As regards the characteristics of the application , in addition to the form signed by the owner / legal representative, it will be necessary to attach the identity documentation, that of the property from which access to the public road is to be obtained, the cadastral plan, the photographic documentation of the area relating to the intervention, a copy of the owner’s authorization if the street is not municipal, a revenue stamp to be applied at the time of filing the request, a payment certificate concerning the rights relating to the practice and its investigation.

What are the dimensions of the driveway

Having clarified the above, we also specify that in order to obtain a driveway , the opening of the passage that allows access to private property cannot be less than 2.5 meters, and must not be greater than 4 meters, if the buildings are used as a civil residence. If, on the other hand, it is an industrial, agricultural or similar activity, then the space must be between 4 and 8 meters.

We remind you that the width of the driveway must be understood as “effective”, that is useful for access, measured without taking into account the connecting pieces or sections that are inclined, if there is a crease.

What are the constraints for obtaining a driveway

Obtaining the driveway is not very easy, because there are constraints that are foreseen to avoid any kind of abuse, and which are related to the access area and to the parking area. Both areas must in fact be regularly paved, and with respect to curves or intersections, there must be distances of a minimum of 12 meters, in addition to a 3-meter stretch where there is at least one ramp that must provide access.

How long does it take to get the driveway

Finally, we close by remembering that the release of the driveway is not immediate, but in any case the timing is not excessively lengthened, considering that the green light could arrive between 15 and 30 days from the moment of submitting the request. However, these terms could also increase significantly in the event that there is a need to issue a building permit.

We also remind you that when it is issued, the concession will have a validity of 29 years. The owner of the property must take care to publish a sign that can indicate the sign of the driveway, the coat of arms of the municipality that grants it, the number of the authorization, the symbol of the no parking, visible from all angles.


by Abdullah Sam
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