What Is Derivation (linguistic)

Derivation is the word formation process that consists of adding affixes to a root (a radical , or a primitive word ). [ 1 ]


The leads can be: prefixal , suffixal , parassintética , regressive or improper . [ 2 ]


The prefix derivation (or by prefixing [ 3 ] ), consists of the derivation through a prefix . [ 2 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]

Examples : ad PURPOSE, ad Verbio, ad together.


The suffix derivation (or by suffixation ), consists of the derivation through a suffix .

Examples : palm leaf act , cardboard laughed , livr eiro .


Parasynthetic derivation (or by parasynthesis [ 3 ] ), consists of derivation through the use of a prefix and a suffix , in the same root. [ 2 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ]

Note : In this derivation the words only exist if both the prefix and the suffix are kept . The absence of one makes the word lose its meaning. [ 3 ]

Examples : the morning Ecer , en tard Ecer , the Night Ecer .


The regressive derivation (or deverbal) consists of the formation of nouns derived from verbs, or vice versa.

Examples : summarize – summary; buy – buy; censor – censorship; insure – safe; withdraw – withdraw

There are cases where the reverse occurs, that is, a noun forming the verb.

Eg: plant – plant; anchor – anchor

Note : Nouns formed from verbs are called deverbal nouns . Your training is made by removing the verb endings , and the increase in nominal thematic vowels a , the or and , by the radical verbal. [ 2 ]

Examples : cant ar → cant o , jog ar → jog o , lanch ar → lanch e


It consists of the derivation that generates a change in grammatical class. [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 8 ] The most common type of improper derivation is the derivation that generates a noun from another class. This is achieved through the use of an article placed (placed before) the word that one wishes to substantiate.

Examples :

The think is a very important action.

noun verb

The teacher explained the subject of the essay very clearly .

adverbialized adjective

by Abdullah Sam
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