
Denglisch or Germish or Engleutsch (in Portuguese : German, English ) is a linguistic fusion , which designates the interlingua (auxiliary language) or hybrid language, originated from the mixture of words from German and English. It occurs mainly in cities in the United States and Germany . In Austria, a third version is preferably used: Engleutsch (fusion of „ Engl isch” and „D eutsch “).

It is the contraction of the international terms D eutsch or German ( German ) and English ( English ). These relatively new terms, which first appeared in the mid-nineteen nineties, fulfill the role of identifying an emergent form of the German language in which, above all, a strong influence of the English language predominates. In this linguistic process, its practitioners absorb not only Anglo terminology but also grammatical structures.

The term “Denglisch” is often used as a pejorative, depending on social circles. The Verein Deutsche Sprache is a German association that defends the correct use of the national language and is vehemently opposed to the recognition of this new speak German. Since this phenomenon is, unnecessarily, widespread in the German-speaking space, even Anglophones name it pejoratively German linguistic submissiveness (” German linguistic submission “). [ 1 ]

Table of Contents


  • 1In other languages
  • 2References
  • 3Bibliography
  • 4See also
  • 5External links

In other languages

Similar phenomena occur in other cultural environments and, like Denglish, are often used as pejoratives.

  • Portudeutschor Brasideutsch (Portuguese with German).
  • Guarañol(or Guaranhol , in Portuguese), Jopará or a mixture of Guarani and Castilian languages, as is often the case in Paraguay .
  • Franglaisor Franglish (French with English).
  • Spanglish(Spanish or Spanish with English), a linguistic occurrence common in many regions, both rural and urban, in North America .
  • Engrish(an unusual form of English, as practiced as a second language by Asians, with a natural exchange of the letter “L” for the letter “R” in pronunciation in English conversations).
  • German (German or Spanish with Spanish or Spanish).
by Abdullah Sam
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