What Is Aromatherapy Massage; How It Effects Health

How does aromatherapy massage work? And what are the benefits of essential oils? Let’s try to discover them together and understand when this treatment could help you. In the vast world of natural medicine, there are many techniques for the prevention and treatment of diseases.Unlike Western medicine, which is mostly based on drug therapy, natural medicine exploits various practices so much that it is also called holistic medicine (from the Greek “olos”, everything).One of the most interesting and effective tools, unfortunately still little used.

massage is a very pleasant, intimate and relaxing experience and can be even more intense when combined with aromatherapy , known as “essential oil therapy”. The aromatic essences are able to promote the health of the body, mind and spirit, but also to stimulate psychological and physiological healing processes.

The aromatherapy massage , in particular, is a technique that has its roots in aromatherapy , a branch of herbal medicine that uses aromatic essences to treat numerous ailments, from headaches to colds, from muscle pain to cramps. It is an ancient discipline, born in the time of the Egyptians and then handed down to the Greeks, the Romans up to the present day.If on the one hand it is a profound sensory experience, on the other we must always remember that it is a therapeutic path with many benefits, but not without side effects.

What Is Aromatherapy Massage; How Does It Works

It is a massage clearly characterized by the use of essential oils. Therefore they are combined with a specific technique, such as that of the decontracting massage, lymphatic drainage or relaxing, with specific oils, based on the benefits and objectives that the client wants to obtain from the treatment. I really want to emphasize that essential oils are excellent products but they must be applied with caution and awareness, because they can be toxic. Usually a couple of drops are used, therefore a modest amount, to be added to a base oil with which you will perform a total body massage. I also often have them inhale. I rub them on my hands and then I place them on my temples, in the submandibular lymphatic area or on the wrists. The oil therefore becomes an added value to your massage.

It obviously depends on the type of massage required. For example, if the customer has chosen a drainage massage, I propose the use of oils that help the circulation, such as lemon, the birch , the lemon grass, but if I’m performing a relaxing massage propose arnica. Essential oils are an ideal means of curing many ailments because they are easily absorbed. And then the effect of the massage becomes more effective when the sense of smell is also stimulated: it is very important that the aroma is appreciated. It is therefore a personalized massage, which must be balanced according to the person. I create synergies in respect of taste, of purpose and I do not mix more than three essential oils.

What are the benefits?

The benefits can be numerous and concern the person at 360 degrees, from body to mind, from spirit to emotions. For this reason, when I welcome a client to my office, I always ask what the purpose of the massage is and if he has any health problems. It is also important to know if you are taking drug therapies , because oils can – albeit minimally – interfere with medications or with certain health problems. If it is a person it is hypothetical, for example, I will avoid using too relaxing synergies, which can make him dizzy.

Obviously, the properties of essential oils are added to the benefits of massages in general:

  • A more hydrated and nourished skin
  • More toned tissues
  • Better lymphatic circulation
  • Take away anxiety and stress
  • Human contact gives comfort
  • Stimulates the production of endorphins
  • It stimulates the immune system
  • It affects the hormonal system, through the limbic system and the hypothalamus

Does it have any contraindications or is it suitable for everyone?

The aromatherapy massage is suitable for everyone . I do not recommend it only in pregnancy and lactation, while in children you must be very careful. Obviously, some oils are not indicated in case of intolerance to the plant. There are allergies that are triggered just by inhaling the oil. And then it is essential to know any pre-existing pathologies.

It is important to rely on competent people and it would be better if the synergies were freshly prepared on the customer and ready-made blends were not used. Because if you apply them on a person you don’t know and then there are adverse reactions, it is difficult to understand what the trigger was.

Is it better to have the massage done in the evening or in the morning?

There is no rule. I recommend never doing it too late, as manipulation can disturb sleep. After the massage, it would be better not to wash so that the oil can be well absorbed by the skin. It is not forbidden to take a shower. The ideal, however, would be to do it first.

What are the most used essential oils?

Are so many. I use totally organic essential oils from Verbania and among my favorites there are lavender , very useful for sunburn, against fatigue, for menstrual pains or headaches, rosemary , to combat tiredness and to drain, citrus fruits , from orange to bergamot, from black orange to mandarin, which I like to call my mother’s hand , because it is comforting, but at the same time it counteracts depressive states. Against the use of the stress chamomile , the lemon, the lemon balm , the ‘incense , which is also indicated against respiratory infections. For delicate skin, roses are excellentand calendula , as well as Tree Tea Oil is an excellent antibacterial and soothing power . They are very good the ‘ oregano , used for rheumatism, bronchitis or digestive disorders, sage , referred to as anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant and in the management of menopausal symptoms (eg hot flushes). The masseur has the task of choosing the oils that best suit your needs, your character and the results you want to achieve, creating a personalized mix, which he will add to an oil or a massage cream.

Better oil or cream?

For massages I mainly use oil, but it depends on the person, taste and tolerability. For example, almond oil is excellent, but there are many allergic people.

What is the most requested massage?

In my studio you can do different massages, from the one with stones to the draining or decontracting one. Essential oils can also be used in scrubs or salt treatments . All these treatments have no aesthetic purpose, but I like to stimulate and educate to well-being at 360 degrees. Then everyone can obviously give us the value they prefer; I find however that it is important that the massage is calibrated on the person and studied on his needs. It is a complete and personalized wellness experience. Nothing prevents this logic from combining several techniques

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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